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wmkcnw | 2014-12-19 13:32
picture | 2015-01-31 13:01
Quote:原帖由 wmkcnw 於 14-12-19 發表
Debenture is for VSA not kindergarten no meed to buy debenture for kindergarten

wmkcnw | 2015-02-09 11:44
Quote:picture 發表於 15-1-31 13:01
Debenture is for VSA not kindergarten

no meed to buy debenture for kindergarten

picture | 2015-02-09 11:51
VSA will not interview non debenture holders or non Victoria.Kindergarten.students starting academic year 2016 to 2017. if you want to get into VSA Year 1, your options will be either join Victoria kindergarten or buy debenture from second hand market, as VSA doesnt issue debentures to no Victoria students too.

wmkcnw | 2015-02-24 10:54
Quote:picture 發表於 15-2-9 11:51
VSA will not interview non debenture holders or non Victoria.Kindergarten.students starting academic ...

thank you so much
ccyung | 2016-01-28 21:06

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Quote:原帖由 picture 於 15-01-31 發表
Debenture is for VSA not kindergarten no meed to buy debenture for kindergarten
唔好意思 vsa 即係咩