Anyone receive letter of acceptance from True Light ( Tai Hang )?

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kiteli | 2007-12-20 10:10
Quote:原文章由 beautyyk 於 07-12-19 20:57 發表


我同妳都有上此唸法, 不過, 等培正出咗 result 先唸了.

我住藍田, 其實培正都唔係十分近, 去真光祇不過係過海囉. :-?
no32 | 2007-12-20 10:18
Quote:原文章由 Christy 於 07-12-20 09:45 發表
hi all
我個女都入到真光上午班,我地家住藍田, 原來有保母車可以到學校,咁就好啦,但而家我都頭痕緊應該擇真光抑或係蘇浙好,好難取捨

我會睇下學校既設施, 小朋友活動既空間, 老師對小朋友既愛心, 學校辦學理念, 校訓. 將來升小,升中既選擇, 當自己已經考慮清楚或覺得好難考慮既時候我會比小朋友決定, 睇下佢地對學校既反應.因為就算有神話一般既學校, 但係小朋友係唔鍾意既話, 一切都係徒然.
lamlauanita | 2007-12-20 10:24
I live in HK side my son was accepted p.m. class in TL, but it hard to choose because Precious Blood accepted pm class too. The difference of the following schools are follow:

TL - Christian school
Precious Blood - Catholic school

TL - English and Mandarin is not very strong
Precious Blood - focus on English and Mandarin

I don't mind the difference of the religious but I am worry about their languages. Please give me some suggestion.
Christy | 2007-12-20 10:56
Quote:原文章由 lamlauanita 於 07-12-20 10:24 發表
I live in HK side my son was accepted p.m. class in TL, but it hard to choose because Precious Blood accepted pm class too. The difference of the following schools are follow:

TL - Christian school

我都係煩緊lee個問題,蘇浙亞女而家讀緊,佢地語言真係教得好好,雖則佢又小學部,但我担心幼稚園升小學又要從新考試interview先可以直升,我地又住九龍區,担心日後想搵返香港區小學讀會有困難喎, 仲有係, 係蘇浙讀,小朋友同大人都會比較辛苦,因為小學部會谷得好勁, p1讀p2英文,但係真光,我就唔使担心佢升小學問題,可惜語言方面就比較一般,但小朋友會讀得比較輕鬆
旦仔 | 2007-12-20 11:12
最主要睇下你小朋友咩性格, 受邊套....

Quote:原文章由 Christy 於 07-12-20 10:56 發表

我都係煩緊lee個問題,蘇浙亞女而家讀緊,佢地語言真係教得好好,雖則佢又小學部,但我担心幼稚園升小學又要從新考試interview先可以直升,我地又住九龍區,担心日後想搵返香港區小學讀會有困難喎, 仲有係, 係蘇浙讀,小朋 ...

淺草小町 | 2007-12-20 12:25
Quote:原文章由 lamlauanita 於 07-12-20 10:24 發表
I live in HK side my son was accepted p.m. class in TL, but it hard to choose because Precious Blood accepted pm class too. The difference of the following schools are follow:

TL - Christian school

想問如果讀維記英文會好d, 但係真光可以直上唔洗煩,妳地會點睇 ? 請俾d意見. 謝謝!!!:adore: :adore: :adore:
lamlauanita | 2007-12-20 14:16

I live in HK side my son was accepted p.m. class in TL, but it hard to choose because Precious Blood accepted pm class too. The difference of the following schools are follow:

TL - Christian school
Precious Blood - Catholic school

TL - English and Mandarin is not very strong
Precious Blood - focus on English and Mandarin

I don't mind the difference of the religious but I am worry about their languages. What is your suggestion?
hugub | 2007-12-20 14:24
Quote:原文章由 淺草小町 於 07-12-20 12:25 發表

想問如果讀維記英文會好d, 但係真光可以直上唔洗煩,妳地會點睇 ? 請俾d意見. 謝謝!!!:adore: :adore: :adore:

Dear All:


Victoria - 我囝囝PN讀過都唔錯但小學太貴la

你地而家諗既野在下5年前已經諗緊, 我試過四圍搵小學,日日等call!

K1-K3 讀SC
20分抽La Salle 又係落空
大抽獎第5志願 , 6月份四圍搵學校:-(
英文好又有咩用, 冇運都死啦!!

kiteli | 2007-12-20 14:52
Quote:原文章由 hugub 於 07-12-20 14:24 發表

Dear All:


Victoria - 我囝囝PN讀過都唔錯但小學太貴la

你地而家諗既野在下5年前已經諗緊, 我試過四圍搵小學,日日等call!

K1-K3 讀SC
20分抽La Salle 又係 ...


我可以這樣 MAKE 個 CONCLUSION 嗎 ??

妳 過來人, 都係覺得找間一條龍0既 KINDER 比較穩陣, 除非巳經 SURE 分數可以升到自己 FIRST PRIORITY 0既 小學, 就唔水, OTHERWISE, 大抽獎後, 都係靠 LUCKY, 係唔係 ??
hugub | 2007-12-20 15:01
Quote:原文章由 kiteli 於 07-12-20 14:52 發表


我可以這樣 MAKE 個 CONCLUSION 嗎 ??

妳 過來人, 都係覺得找間一條龍0既 KINDER 比較穩陣, 除非巳經 SURE 分數可以升到自己 FIRST PRIORITY 0既 小學, 就唔水, OTHERWISE, 大抽獎後, 都係靠 LUCKY, 係唔 ...


Yes... 100分 , 你去叩門人地末必彩你除非你識人law..
我囝囝P.2 啦重叩一陣緊有中學 backup既小學, 叩左2年啦!!! 好灰

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