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lamlauanita | 2008-01-06 18:48

[size=11.5pt]大坑真光幼稚園課程是否好淺呢? As I will join the lucky draw for the primary section 升小學會點?

聽課程好似好淺, 怕小學/中學難適應, 是否真的呢? ?-(

想問下有無k3家長俾d意見呀? 我仔仔明年要返K1. , 我怕選錯. 唔該幫忙解答:adore:

[size=11.5pt]Another question 男仔[size=11.5pt]: [size=11.5pt]讀寶血幼稚園[size=11.5pt]還是大坑真光幼稚園[size=11.5pt]?

[size=11.5pt]Sorry for any inconvenience caused!
no32 | 2008-01-07 11:03
我唔係真光既k3家長, 不過見你好似好心急咁, 所以試下用我搜集返黎既資料加入個人意見比你參考下. 真光K1-K3係活動教學, 佢地既重點係注重啟發同品格, 而真光小學P1-P3都係用活動教學涵接返幼稚園既課程, 所以如果你唔打算係真光直升小學,只係讀佢地幼稚園既話效果可能會冇咁有效. 當然我都有聽過讀真光幼稚園之後轉其他小學既過案. 之不過我會覺得如果真係唔考慮佢地既小學, 而諗住抽籤既話, 其實choose其他都冇所謂. 至於寶血我立過眼幼稚園都好似係活動教學黎, 小學唔清楚. 但係有一樣野好重要, 最好可以留到個好校網, 例如灣仔區. 因為灣仔區都有好多好既中學.升學係要有策略, 舉個例如果你想個仔入到皇仁, 咁你個仔就最好入到軒尼詩官立小學, 因為聯繫既關係入到皇仁既機會係比其他學校既學生大. 所以為小朋友選校時要知道自己既目標, 定好計劃, 然後實行.
lamlauanita | 2008-01-07 15:20

I live in Wanchai, so you mean that no matter what kind of Kindergarten I choose my son can 銜接 primary
without problem. (Because I am worry about the English standard)

no32 | 2008-01-07 16:31
Quote:原文章由 lamlauanita 於 08-1-7 15:20 發表

I live in Wanchai, so you mean that no matter what kind of Kindergarten I choose my son can 銜接 primary
without problem. (Because I am worry about the English standard)

我個人意見係, 如果你得真光同寶血選擇我會覺得分別可能唔係太大, 所以如果你真係好擔心英文方面, 或者可以搵d國際學校幼稚園. 不過屋企亦要輔助一下. 例如係屋企設個英語時間, 係呢個時間度全用英文交談, 睇下d英文教學dvd, card, song..etc
lamlauanita | 2008-01-08 15:28

Is your daughter study in St Clare? If yes, why you choose St Clare instead of TL?
no32 | 2008-01-08 17:02
Quote:原文章由 lamlauanita 於 08-1-8 15:28 發表

Is your daughter study in St Clare? If yes, why you choose St Clare instead of TL?

我個女未讀K1架, 宜家我都係考慮緊咩 style 既幼稚園比較適合我個女, 另外我d資料都係靠搜集返黎, 好似睇返宜家同以前BK家長既討論, 睇下視學報告, 學校既網頁, 教育局, 教搜社, 其他家長既經驗, 報紙等等....
peaceaa1122 | 2008-01-08 19:38

lamlauanita | 2008-01-09 14:37
me too, I want to know the 3 years life of Kindergarten. I heard that the school not provide the Phonic course and
English book, does it true?
yukiho | 2008-01-10 15:00

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