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Era | 2008-08-29 11:58

hahahaking | 2008-08-31 17:27
my daughter is in pm class.
How about you?
daudau | 2008-09-01 22:38
hello hello! my son is in pm int'l class.

how about yours?
sinsin_ma | 2008-09-02 03:56
my daughter also studies in pm int'l class, i.e. GF class

How many students are there in the class? My daughter's initial is 'Y', and I find her class number (on the student handbook) is 32... there are 30+ students in the class!!?? wow...

Quote:原帖由 daudau 於 08-9-1 22:38 發表
hello hello! my son is in pm int'l class.

how about yours?

Era | 2008-09-02 11:07
My daughter is in am class. Since she is in group A, I don't know how many students are in the class. I guess it may be around 30.
hahahaking | 2008-09-03 12:54
my daughter is in pm chinese and english class.
KoBB | 2008-09-03 14:43
Hello Era, 我囡囡同你囡囡同一班喎:joyous:

Quote:原帖由 Era 於 08-9-2 11:07 發表
My daughter is in am class. Since she is in group A, I don't know how many students are in the class. I guess it may be around 30.

Era | 2008-09-03 16:55
好野,搵到同學啦.即係Miss Chow,Miss Lee做班主任果班呀麻,係咪?

Quote:原帖由 KoBB 於 08-9-3 14:43 發表
Hello Era, 我囡囡同你囡囡同一班喎:joyous:

Era | 2008-09-03 16:56
fatbmama | 2008-09-03 17:08
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