Any child attend the GE class this year?

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Chloeliumama | 2008-09-05 17:56
My daughter is now attending the GE class (K1 - PM class of internation class). I would like to see if we can meet some of her friends here.

:happy: :happy: :happy:
金毛B媽 | 2008-09-11 10:47

我個囡都係 GE 班 :)
金毛B媽 | 2008-09-11 10:49
睇你大頭相叫 chloe, 請問你個囡係咪叫 Chloe

我個囡又係叫 Chloe 呀:P
Chloeliumama | 2008-09-11 17:53
Yes, yes. My daughter is also called Chloe. So both Chloe in the GE class then.

Please check PM
AngelCat | 2008-09-16 23:59
Chloeliumama | 2008-09-17 11:21
乜咁橋既, 請問你地係咪都住沙田架, 家長會你會唔會都出席呢, 到時相認一下好嗎?

Quote:原帖由 AngelCat 於 08-9-16 23:59 發表

AngelCat | 2008-09-17 23:28
金毛B媽 | 2008-09-18 14:53
Quote:原帖由 Chloeliumama 於 08-9-11 17:53 發表
Yes, yes. My daughter is also called Chloe. So both Chloe in the GE class then.

Please check PM

你 send pm 俾我呀, 我收唔到呀
金毛B媽 | 2008-09-18 14:54
Quote:原帖由 AngelCat 於 08-9-17 23:28 發表
今個星期六家長會我都會去架,請問知唔知可唔可以帶小朋友去呢?我地住係馬鞍山,你地又住邊頭呢?:lol::" />

hello, 原來咁多人囡囡都叫 Chloe, 老師一見 Chloe 會唔會有幾位小妹妹舉手呢

我住沙田架, 星期6家長會都會去架
Chloeliumama | 2008-09-18 15:55
金毛B媽我send左PM比你架, 唔知點解你收唔到呢, 唔緊要啦, 今個星期六大家相認一下再傾啦!

Quote:原帖由 金毛B媽 於 08-9-18 14:54 發表

hello, 原來咁多人囡囡都叫 Chloe, 老師一見 Chloe 會唔會有幾位小妹妹舉手呢

我住沙田架, 星期6家長會都會去架

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