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Maldives | 2009-09-15 09:37
剛剛收到消息話有個學生確診左H1N1, 知唔知係邊一班的學生? 點解係樂基的website咩都無講? 你地有無考慮過唔俾小朋友返學住?
sy6162 | 2009-09-15 13:50
KOC | 2009-09-15 14:48
我覺得有確診同學﹐那一班要停課﹐和學校要比d資料要仔細d。e.g. 該學生有沒有坐校車﹐如有是那一條線。該學生的情況是怎樣??? 輕微 / 穩定 / 嚴重。已發了多少天。可讓家長們知風險程度有幾高。自行決定上不上課。始終他們是細﹐傳染機會好大。:toocold: [ 本帖最後由 KOC 於 09-9-15 14:55 編輯 ]
msquare | 2009-09-15 23:55
sy6162 | 2009-09-16 09:42
剛剛問了學校, 她說是K1學生但又不方便講那班, 唯有問他是不是阿囝個班, 她說不是GC2又話個小朋友不是在學校感染的叫放心
msquare | 2009-10-13 14:19
monkey05 | 2009-10-13 14:43
Quote:原帖由 msquare 於 09-10-13 14:19 發表

昨 日開始不用. 其實我prefer 用仲好, 姑終流感高峄期, 但佢地又話而家不用了.
A-Mum | 2009-10-13 17:08
I actually prefer no masks for the kids. You never know what young children do with their masks. My boy, now already in P1, actually exchanged used masks with his friends... :crying:

You may have heard that some kindergartens actually forbid their students to use masks. Their thinking is" if the kid is sick, don't let him come to school; if the kid is well, the mask is not necessary."

I do think there is some wisdom behind though I do not totally agree with them.
msquare | 2009-10-13 23:53
A-mum, i agree with you....大家家長合作d...如kids sick,就不要比佢地上學...甘才是最有效....
monkey05 | 2009-10-14 11:42
Quote:原帖由 msquare 於 09-10-13 23:53 發表
A-mum, i agree with you....大家家長合作d...如kids sick,就不要比佢地上學...甘才是最有效....

如果其她家長係合作就梗係好啦. 我相信有少部份未必讓有少少傷風感冒既小朋友上留家中, 例如無人手在家照顧果d, 會照送佢地番學. [ 本帖最後由 monkey05 於 09-10-14 11:43 編輯 ]
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