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LeeTszKi | 2015-10-14 10:57

boyandes | 2015-10-16 09:19
點解冇乜家長分享一下,唔通多數都都考得差:toocold:,我一個朋友剛在sjc畢業,佢話考到音小,現在入了聖家,fyr :igiveup:

LITTLESPICY | 2015-10-17 22:53
Quote:原帖由 LeeTszKi 於 15-10-14 發表
我是再上一年,成績不錯。有APS, SFA, TSL, SMC, LMC....

patrick7749 | 2015-10-18 14:02
請問多唔多人考到sfa tsl同aps?thx

LeeTszKi | 2015-10-23 10:54
回覆 boyandes 的帖子 Thanks for your sharing !

shel0208 | 2015-10-29 22:33
My girl is K3 this year. So far have offered from Lingnan, SMC and Tsung Tsin. Have 2nd interview for SFA soon.

Maggie122 | 2015-10-30 00:59
囡囡係2015畢業生考到APS,SJC,SMC,啟思,LMC有2nd in,扣門津校四間考到41九龍塘聖家,九龍塘華德,34獻主會聖馬善樂,聖羅撒有2 nd in,成績好理想,我覺得SJC學術真係好好,老師也教得很好有愛心,今年也有細女在SJC讀K3,我是非常滿意學校的!
shel0208 | 2015-10-30 16:13
Can't agree more... Very nice school and teaching method. We users proved that not all informations from SJC is correct. But for some of those joined SJC in primary but not from SJC kindergarten might be another story since SJC primary is not happy school honestly... They are traditional English school so will not have less homework. If cannot catch up mean no good result in Primary school, really will affect the secondary result!

DevilPig | 2016-01-08 13:23
Quote:原帖由 Maggie122 於 15-10-30 發表
囡囡係2015畢業生考到APS,SJC,SMC,啟思,LMC有2nd in,扣門津校四間考到41九龍塘聖家,九龍塘華德,34獻主會 ...
sjc 中文會偏淺嗎?因為佢係英文幼稚園

chungws | 2016-01-27 20:56
我囝都是今年K3, SJC 的中文是偏深,每個星期都會有中丶英文默書。老師都很好,我亦buy佢細班。 我囝有高主教and男拔2nd in 和有SJC and SFA offer。

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