st.catherine waiting list

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mayc | 2004-04-08 21:07
聽講st. catherine巳經收第二次留位費,請問有沒有waiting list的家長收到信或電話被取錄. :-?
mayc | 2004-04-09 21:18
唔知waiting要wait到幾時才會有通知? :-?
請問有否曾經是waiting的家長成功入讀,可以分享! :-(
kwcheung | 2004-04-12 21:47
I notice that some parents are holding the admission for their kids for several kindergartens. Like me, we're going to give up the seat for St. Catherine in the next few weeks for my daughter as we decided to let her studying in a nearby kindergarten.

mayc | 2004-04-12 22:50

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Yes, I also heard some parents give up their seat, but I haven't heard any waiting parent who get the seat. :-?