07/08 St. Clare's 同學仔(Part 2)

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chingbb | 2007-07-26 10:22
嘩!沒有上黎一個星期, 又有新面貌!有些不慣:Q
你地開始預備上學用品未呀?:P :P
chingbb | 2007-07-27 15:28
up!up!up!:wth: :wth:
dinosaur923 | 2007-07-27 15:35
A ...chingb,
係我呀! 暴龍呀:cheeze: ! 我咩都未攪呀! 賴囉, 成日諗住仲有成個月慢慢唔遲, 加上細路D鞋, 又怕早買, 就早唔arm著!!
呀! 係呀! 我都唔記得同你交換埋電話:call: , 同班同學, 有個照應! :handshake :handshake 我pm你丫!:loveliness:
CharlotteMa | 2007-07-28 10:08
Hi, ChingBB, I heard that your girl also study Ming Wai, my girl is stay IPc and now is St. Clara's K1 B class, you are A or B class ar?, let's also exchange the tel la...
Quote:原文章由 chingbb 於 07-7-26 10:22 發表
嘩!沒有上黎一個星期, 又有新面貌!有些不慣:Q
你地開始預備上學用品未呀?:P :P

joebaby | 2007-07-29 07:51
唔好意思呀, 想問你們咁快知道邊班嗱?
同埋知唔知道仲有無家長會? 是否要開學前自己影學生相? 因我個女之前是學校影埋, 唔知這裡是怎樣?
dinosaur923 | 2007-07-30 11:22
Quote:原文章由 joebaby 於 07-7-29 07:51 發表
唔好意思呀, 想問你們咁快知道邊班嗱?
同埋知唔知道仲有無家長會? 是否要開學前自己影學生相? 因我個女之前是學校影埋, 唔知這裡是怎樣?

係呀, 上次家長會都分左班啦! 學生相唔洗出去影, 聽說是開學之後, 學校會安排! :D
dinosaur923 | 2007-07-30 11:24
Quote:原文章由 CharlotteMa 於 07-7-28 10:08 發表
Hi, ChingBB, I heard that your girl also study Ming Wai, my girl is stay IPc and now is St. Clara's K1 B class, you are A or B class ar?, let's also exchange the tel la...

我同chingbb個囡, 好似都係 K1 A, 希望冇記錯! :P
chingbb | 2007-08-07 15:19
:P Quote:原文章由 CharlotteMa 於 07-7-28 10:08 發表
Hi, ChingBB, I heard that your girl also study Ming Wai, my girl is stay IPc and now is St. Clara's K1 B class, you are A or B class ar?, let's also exchange the tel la...

係呀!我地係K1-A班和在明慧係IPa班 ~ e!我和你幫囡囡做了同一個決定wor:-) 先係明慧, 然後St. Clare's :P :P
chingbb | 2007-08-08 16:37
唔明點解昨日回覆了, 不是會up在版頭嗎?
OneMoreDay | 2007-08-12 16:00
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