ABC pathway

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gataloca | 2016-09-17 19:01
Did anyone joined their program through the school? Does it worth the price? Can you share your experience?
BSCYL | 2016-09-18 02:11
Quote:原帖由 gataloca 於 16-09-17 發表
Did anyone joined their program through the school? Does it worth the price? Can you share your expe ...
阿仔10年畢業, 小一開始至小五都有上ABC. 除學校上堂學英文外, 阿仔只有額外付款上ABC 及鋼琴。無其他的補習。 由幼稚園的怕與外國人交談, 至考中學時, 被外籍老師稱好。有明顯進步。吸收學校老師教授外, 不能抹殺ABC 的功效

BSCYL | 2016-09-18 02:47
留意語文不是朝夕功夫可成, 可能要若干個月,或者甚至幾年時間才見到實效。 不論中文, 英文都是從小打好基礎是最有效及最節省的方法。 去到中學才發現水平不足, 要補救追回, 肯定在財力, 人力, 時間上的花費一定要付出更多, 而且成效較低。 ABC 是比較貴, 可以自行設法提升英語能力。 最好初小從遊戲中學習, 不要單向授課式, 小朋友投入感較低。

BSCYL | 2016-09-18 11:33
加強語文能力, 可以有很多方法, 而且每個小朋友的適應性不同, 有的單靠學校授課, 有的是父母伴讀, 有的自學, 有的外補, 甚至私補。 阿仔當年多個學科都嘗試奪得級一的獎項, 唯一從未沾手的英一, 一向是另一位課堂外無補習的女同學囊中物。 她是家中支援強大, 自學就不清楚, 但明確無讀ABC

BSCYL | 2016-09-18 11:49
有時語文基礎打得紮實, 在小學的考試成績未必可以完全顯露, 可能與其他同學, 考試經操練後結果差不同。 但上到中學, 真正實力不會被遮蓋, 吸收及發揮水平, 高下立見。 多講, 多讀, 多寫是老生常談, 但亦都是有實效的定律。 英語一級一級的考劍橋試, 不要單為証書而考, 對中學的認受性有限, 但可以給小朋友有實戰的經驗,值得持續

r29860 | 2016-09-18 20:43
Quote:gataloca 發表於 16-9-17 19:01 Did anyone joined their program through the school? Does it worth the price? Can you share your expe ...

my 2 kids also joined abc pathway courses in school. i agreed that they got chances to practise oral with foreigners. the fee in school is about 50% less than outside. i will recommend it to others.

gataloca | 2016-09-18 21:29

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Quote:r29860 發表於 16-9-18 20:43
my 2 kids also joined abc pathway courses in school.
i agreed that they got chances to practise ora ...
Don't know if the fee has increased, since it is just slightly cheaper than outside. Class fee per hour is 230, but since the class last 1.5 hours, the fee per class is 345.
Now, I just checked the price from other centers...
Jolly Kingdom cost 245 per hour.
Junior versity, which is a partner of ABC pathway, costs 220 per hour.
British Council is HK$5,800(Mon-Thu class) , HK$6,100 (Fri class), HK$6,700(Sat&Sun class) per semester (around HK$204 - HK$235 per hour)