芭蕾舞? 一定要去毛妹/王仁曼較出名學校嗎?

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rowh | 2012-01-10 18:03
女女已學芭蕾舞4年, 年年有報RAD, result都好好, 但學校演出機會較小! 其實係咪一定要去好似毛妹, 王仁曼哩啲較出名學校學先有用呢, 但價錢真係貴好多, 特別係王仁曼. 大家可唔可以俾啲意見呢?

有冇其他好嘅學校recommend 呢? 謝謝!!!

caramom | 2012-01-11 15:22
講真hk有好多ballet school, 你可以去試下堂再問小朋友鍾意邊間,睇下老師有冇愛心同耐性,再決定學邊間,因為每個人心目中「好」既標準都唔同。
Lilo | 2012-01-11 16:32
想多演出機會多,去SD,不過佢地芭蕾舞紀律比較鬆散,我係寶X園個間見過無梳好頭又可以跳,d跳舞衫外加件衫/T 又無問題,唔似得王/毛佢地要求咁嚴,有好有唔好啦,睇你要d乜
reei | 2012-01-14 20:28
how far are you willing to travel? i brought my daughter to a ballet trial lesson today and she likes it. she wants to learn, so i sign up.
small place, good teacher.
Ultrawan | 2012-01-19 16:34
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kwans | 2012-01-19 18:07
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missoktak | 2012-01-19 19:52
YBBYBB | 2012-01-20 10:24
回復 kwans 的帖子 Mei Foo - 曾雪X , so bad, she only teach in English, but always change a teacher in every lesson. so mess in administration. They student could not concerate in lesson, becuase the parents could enter into classrroom and distrupt.

rowh | 2012-01-20 10:39
我女學咗已經4年, 學校都唔俾入去睇又冇表演, 真係唔知佢學成點....:crying::crying:
oceanshores | 2012-01-20 23:03
my daugher learned ballet at 王仁曼 and i like their approach. During the PS2 class (age 3), the teacher was nice and patient. Now, she is 6 and is in the class PP, the teacher is strict but is very good. I think that it is a good way to train their discipline. I see a lot of girls there are very polite.
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