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Bluegene | 2010-03-30 19:23
Quote:原帖由 anniewupiano 於 10-3-30 17:51 發表

舊> 新的排列

G>H>M>A>E>F>H>U1(current model)



以上的係列,是否全都made in Japan? 又是否全都曾在香港賣過? [ 本帖最後由 Bluegene 於 10-3-30 19:29 編輯 ]
leungchai | 2010-03-30 21:30
Thanks very much for your comments. Then I have to double check the information. BTW, may I ask if my budget is around $40k and my kid's fingers are not having enough "strength", would you recommend Yamaha or Kawai? If you were me, you will go for a U1 or K[?]? Could you kindly grant me further advice?
anniewupiano | 2010-03-30 21:30
Quote:原帖由 Bluegene 於 10-3-30 19:23 發表



以上的係列,是否全都made in Japan? 又是否全都曾在香港賣過?

all U series are made in Japan.

Not sure all of them were being carried by the agent, since some of them are even older than Tom Lee Music. [ 本帖最後由 anniewupiano 於 10-3-30 21:33 編輯 ]
anniewupiano | 2010-03-30 22:35
Quote:原帖由 leungchai 於 10-3-30 21:30 發表
Thanks very much for your comments. Then I have to double check the information. BTW, may I ask if my budget is around $40k and my kid's fingers are not having enough "strength", would ...

How old is your kid?

One of my student is only 3 years old, her finger is strength enough to play the piano and stand with a very good shape. The important point is how well the teaching method apply? How professional the teacher will be? Your kid should have enough power to play all kinds of piano.

Kawai and Yamaha are different from the color tone of sound and touch. It depends which one you prefer.

Whatever which brand you will choose, should be selected. Even as good as Steinway, Bosendorfer, Fazioli should have selection. Selection is very very important. [ 本帖最後由 anniewupiano 於 10-3-30 22:38 編輯 ]
anniewupiano | 2010-03-30 22:41
係度順便問問大家幾個問題. 你地好捨得使錢去買部靚琴俾小朋友, 但
1. 有幾多家長是會倍小朋友一齊上堂的?
2. 有幾多家長是會倍小朋友一齊練琴的?

答案是NO的, 一定會話想訓練小朋友獨立. 或者係只是培養興趣, 有興趣就學下去, 冇就算..... 如果是呢種態度學琴, 一開始就注定失敗.

你地是否會用同一態度去學英文, 數學或任何其他學校要求的科目? 一定不會, 因為大家都知道, 如果係咁, 就死梗.


試問邊個小朋友唔仲意玩, 邊個小朋友仲意主動坐下來彈琴?

所以如果家長想小朋友在鋼琴上出成績, 家長的努力, 付出是一定正比的.

所以奉勸各位, 係花幾萬買琴前, 先問問自己是否願意付出時間精力去倍小朋友練琴先? [ 本帖最後由 anniewupiano 於 10-3-30 23:24 編輯 ]
leungchai | 2010-03-30 22:46
O I see..... Thanks very much once again!!
anniewupiano | 2010-03-30 23:07
Quote:原帖由 leungchai 於 10-3-30 22:46 發表
O I see..... Thanks very much once again!!

客氣. 其實你個問題好難答, 唔知你明唔明.

知道如何分辦琴的好壞非常重要. 好多老師一生人都未彈過好琴, 最多只不過是彈YAMAHA, 可能連GRAND都未彈過. 根本唔知道好琴應該係點? 好的標準是什麼?

學生或家長就更加唔使講啦~~~~ [ 本帖最後由 anniewupiano 於 10-3-30 23:18 編輯 ]
anniewupiano | 2010-03-30 23:18
Quote:原帖由 winniepoon 於 10-3-26 08:47 發表
Hm....係作出最後決定之前, 想問多一句....假設阿囡係會一路學鋼琴, 咁用成5萬蚊買一個Yamaha U1琴, 值唔值得...即係呢件貨物 (i.e. U1)值唔值呢個價錢呀? Thanks!!


sorry overlook your post.


如果錢NOT A CONCERN, U5 will be much better.
or YM5, kawai K3 both could be a selection of your choice.

都是果句, 揀琴好好好好......重要. [ 本帖最後由 anniewupiano 於 10-3-31 12:00 編輯 ]
sazzmusic | 2010-04-06 10:27
anniewupiano | 2010-04-06 15:27
Quote:原帖由 sazzmusic 於 10-4-6 10:27 發表

唔敢話好熟, 彈琴/ 教琴 27年, 對鋼琴認識都是應該的.

我6歲習琴, 12歲考入音樂學院接受專業訓練, 主修鋼琴, 大學畢業後在音樂學院任鋼琴主科老師多年.

早年讀大學時, 曾與李雲迪參加同一屇鋼琴比賽, 得第5 名.

在音樂學院時, 我們彈的都是Stienway Grand, 而且是2部grand piano一齊, 老師一部, 學生一部. 練琴房最差的都是YAMAHA U3.

在音樂學院任教期間, 學校購置鋼琴, 因為是鋼琴系主科老師的原因, 多次代表學校前往廠家選琴, 因此對各品牌鋼琴自然都有所了解.

我彈琴/ 教琴20多年, 日日對住鋼琴, 是好琴, 壞琴, 一彈上手就知. 因為已經知道好琴的標準, 但除左鋼琴, 其他的我都是"白痴".

我個仔先1歲幾, 一聽到音樂就自然跳下跳下, 可能是遺傳, 亦可能在懷孕時日日彈琴, 自然胎教.:lover:

[ 本帖最後由 anniewupiano 於 10-4-6 22:32 編輯 ]
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