芭蕾舞? 一定要去毛妹/王仁曼較出名學校嗎?

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choy1024 | 2012-02-06 10:13
samsamchan | 2012-02-06 13:06
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dch_07 | 2012-02-10 09:35
YBBYBB | 2012-02-10 10:22
我剛比了阿囡try 了兩堂 "可允" ballet, 佢一個人敎, 可在外面看到上堂情況, 而且Ms Chow 敎的基本工都好有規矩, ok wo, the place in Lai Chi Kok MTR

馬媽媽 | 2012-02-10 16:42
It depends on what you want. If you want the kid to be a professional artist, then have to go to J Wong, etc. If not, just want to have a good hobby, then just find a suitable and patient teacher.
小豆媽 | 2012-02-11 11:49


BALLET係藝術, 要有堅持,
而且ballet係一套好systematic的training, 基本動作一定要教得好一定要有要求.
去到間學校, 見微知註, 如果學生個個"呢呢feifei", 頭又唔梳好, 衫又是但著, 咁你都諗到老師對學生有幾好的要求了.
跳ballet的人, 梳好隻髻係好基本好基本的事, 披頭散髮, 直接影響學習的.
如果真係想"學好ballet", 老師的態度, 要求, 質素, 比起有沒有演出和華麗的廣告包裝更重要.

(利益申報, 本人以前是RAD註冊教師)

brima | 2012-02-11 16:36

cpcog | 2012-02-12 11:13
[i=s] 本帖最後由 cpcog 於 12-2-12 11:13 編輯 [/i] I have been pianist for some ballet courses and I don't think the famous ones mean better. Some famous ones aren't that demanding to the children indeed. Not that professional as most people expect.

On the other hand, I have helped a private teacher and all of her students can get distin in the exam! So I truly think it would depend on the teachers.

However, it is true that the famous one might have more connection for performances.

well, parents can try to help the kids to try Nutcracker for HK ballet! they need little performers every year.

aminafy | 2012-02-13 14:11
My girl is learning at Jean Wong. I will say I give them a 90 out of 100.
weisscarton | 2012-02-13 15:13
Quote:小豆媽 發表於 12-2-11 11:49

BALLET係藝術, 要有堅持,
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