Mad Science 資源豐富

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小親親 | 2004-11-24 11:43
Mad Science 資源豐富
11月 23日 星期二 02:00 更新

【明報專訊】擁有美國大學工程學位的Simon,最近與拍檔Gigi取得加拿大Mad Science的特許經營權,並在今年6月成立辦事處,先與機構、會所、連鎖玩具店及商場等合作舉辦科學活動﹔9月成功申請教統局的註冊後,便開始為小朋友提供定期的科學課程。

小親親 | 2004-11-25 12:25

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My son loves their classes. I found out about them after he attended their camp at the Jockey Club. I found out they had a center in Central and got my son signed up. Their fall semester is almost over, but they have christmas programs and their next semester classes starts in January. :-D