helen doron 教english

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jaisy | 2004-12-14 15:56
有無人同小朋友去上過english class??
valerieyuen | 2004-12-15 03:33
Which center would you like to join?

jaisy | 2004-12-17 13:55
Kowloon Tong Center
routingswitch | 2004-12-17 15:20
helen doron? May I know who she is?
I am looking for English class for my son too!
霖霖18 | 2004-12-18 00:02
You can have a trial lesson. Just ring them to arrange. The tel is 2337 7030.
MarcusMa | 2004-12-18 11:43


Are you child is joining the course at Helen Doron, any comments?

霖霖18 | 2004-12-20 01:15

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Yes, my girl has joint their playgroup for 5 months. Their class size is max. 7 kids. But very often it only has around 5 kids. So everyone will have chance to speak. My girl is very shy and need time to warm up. She likes the auntie (teacher) and is willing to talk to her. So I keep the class for her.