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lizaliu | 2004-12-16 12:07
市面上的二手琴會有二種情形, 一種是中古琴(display Piano), 另一種則是翻修琴.

中古琴就是和剛出廠的料件一樣, 只是內部多了灰塵, 磨損, 外表有些擦傷失去光澤, 木頭多少受潮, 不再靈敏, 大體上來說這些問題任一位調音師都可輕易克服. 客戶和琴商可就該琴的狀況再做調整, 上油, 打光, 調音, 除濕等等, 先天體質不錯, 品質穩定應該還可以再用很多年.

翻修琴就不同了, 整體來說要翻修的琴可能就是拿了幾部報廢的琴, 各取所需, 這台拿鋼板和響板, 那台拿龍骨, 再一台拿琴架就拼出一台新琴了. 換上高檔品牌和型號, 開價多少就賣多少. 先天不良, 後天失調, 品質不穩定能再用多久沒有定數.

一般買琴大眾多是琴商說的多, 花錢的人只有廳的份, 誰會要求拆琴仔細琢磨? 據我所知YAMAHA的琴在鋼板. 擊弦器. 鍵盤 都有出廠序號, KAWAI就只有鋼板有序號, 這點就需要音樂狂兄出來幫我們琴友們說明辨別真偽的秘方了(中央銀行發行鈔票也要告訴我們如何辨別, 所以不可將此當成商業機密保留).

routingswitch | 2004-12-16 12:42
Totally agree.
And I heard many selling 翻修琴 as display Piano.

Unless someone knows how to tell, it is better to buy from person (friend or referral) then shop for second hand.
phoebepanpan | 2004-12-16 21:57
有日我在旺角亞x 琴行睇佢地d 日本陳列琴.
個sales 成個U1 琴面版拆落來比我睇.
佢話咁樣先可以睇清楚, 佢地係貨真價實.
我記得在通利睇過U1 個鎚仔係比兩層厚棉(一紅一白)包住.
但當日所見只有一層白色厚棉, 咁我就問點解我之前在通利見係兩層.
sales 解釋因為d 琴在日本遠郊地區, 依層白色厚棉係特製, 特別防潮. 講到好 prof.

我仔個琴miss 都話. 點解要由日本咁遠搬來買, 在日本唔可以賣陳列琴咩?

哈里波特 | 2004-12-17 01:05
同意你地的講法, 其實我本來係時候換琴, 但老師話要換就換個好d, 我都同意, 因小女已grade 7, but I do not have money. 前日, 又同個tune 琴師傅講起, 以前我都係找亞x個老細黎tune, but I changed because he always asks me to change piano and said trade-in my existing one pay me $3000. It's very cheap for a U1, not enough $20,000. 而家個師傅話, 佢咁樣係double earning.

1) Repair my existing one & sell again
2) I buy a new second hand piano from him.

As the outlook & the string of my piano are still so good, but the 鎚 & the screw are so loose, he said the most economy way is to wait until my piano die anytime and then he help me to 磨下d 鎚 & repair all the screw, he charges me $2,800 & it could be used for another 10 years. (my existing piano is already used 11 years, which is Karl Muller U108, made in Korea). Therefore, he said that 亞x琴行d琴真係翻新過, but in fact the 翻新 cost is very low, but you paid nearest $20,000, you think whether it is worth or not.

I want to ask any BK member has done 翻新 piano before. If yes, please advise :
1) 是否值得? (of course I'm talking about I do not have enough money, then I can choose either 翻新 or 去琴行 or buy a cheap cheap brand new piano)
2) How much of 翻新?

Please advise!!!
routingswitch | 2004-12-17 15:26
To me $2800 to fix a dead piano sounds good, at least you know the history ma!
Better then 2nd hand which might be rebuilt with even older piano.
But depands how good is the 翻新 la. It really ten more years worth it la!
maymaymaymay | 2004-12-18 00:00
lizaliu 寫道:
據我所知YAMAHA的琴在鋼板. 擊弦器. 鍵盤 都有出廠序號, KAWAI就只有鋼板有序號, 這點就需要音樂狂兄出來幫我們琴友們說明辨別真偽的秘方了(中央銀行發行鈔票也要告訴我們如何辨別, 所以不可將此當成商業機密保留).

-- YAMAHA 近廿年既琴的鋼板編號(即係S/N)都係鋼板既右上方,而已經唔會再係鋼板既中央,編號由1排到6百萬,S/N愈大愈新。

-- YAMAHA 擊弦器既最高音hammer下面有8個digit既數字,最前2個digit係擊弦器(唔係鋼琴)既製造年份,例如2000年製造就是"00xxxxxx"

-- YAMAHA 鍵盤既最左手面會有一組編號,不過冇意思,同埋一定要拆好多野至睇到

-- KAWAI就真係冇乜野睇

哈里波特 | 2004-12-18 01:43

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To me $2800 to fix a dead piano sounds good, at least you know the history ma!
Better then 2nd hand which might be rebuilt with even older piano.
But depands how good is the 翻新 la. It really ten more years worth it la!
唔知work 唔work 架, 個師傅緊係話 OK la. 我又唔職睇, 呢d野, 一世人可能只有機會做一次, 所以想問有無人試過呢條路是否可行, 整完之後個琴會唔會好差. 因為我唔識, 怕個女有 hard feeling, 彈得唔好賴地硬.

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