yyyy | 2004-11-05 13:26 |
資優是天生的還是訓練的成果? |
critic | 2004-11-05 15:19 |
Genes and environment interact at every step of brain development, but they play very different roles. Generally speaking, genes are responsible for the basic wiring plan--for forming all of the cells (neurons) and general connections between different brain regions--while experience is responsible for fine-tuning those connections, helping each child adapt to the particular environment (geographical, cultural, family, school, peer-group) to which he belongs. An analogy that is often used is wiring a phone network: genes would specify the number of phones and the major trunk lines that connect one relay station to the next. Experience would specify the finer branches of this network-the connections between the relay station and each person's home or office. For example, each of us is born with the potential to learn language. Our brains are programmed to recognize human speech, to discriminate subtle differences between individual speech sounds, to put words and meaning together, and to pick up the grammatical rules for ordering words in sentences. However, the particular language each child masters, the size of his vocabulary, and the exact dialect and accent with which he speaks are determined by the social environment in which he is raised--that is, the thousands of hours he has spent (beginning even before birth) listening and speaking to others. Genetic potential is necessary, but DNA alone cannot teach a child to talk. In spite of all the recent hype about "making your baby smarter," scientists have not discovered any special tricks for enhancing the natural wiring phase in children's brain development. Normal, loving, responsive caregiving seems to provide babies with the ideal environment for encouraging their own exploration, which is always the best route to learning. The one form of stimulation that has been proven to make a difference is language: infants and children who are conversed with, read to, and otherwise engaged in lots of verbal interaction show somewhat more advanced linguistic skills than children who are not as verbally engaged by their caregivers. Because language is fundamental to most of the rest of cognitive development, this simple action--talking and listening to your child--is one of the best ways to make the most of his or her critical brain-building years. |
DBBoy | 2004-11-05 18:36 |
Dear Critic May I offer I view on what you stated in this section: The discussion relating to whether gifted child comes from nature or nurture has been around for a long time. However, recent studies have confirmed that while defective gene would detrimentally affect the development of a child, a child with all healthy gene starts off from the same point. It is only our lack of understanding that mis-categorise factors that influence the intelligence level of a child. I agree most definitely that "environment interact at every step of brain development", but disagree with you that "genes are responsible for the basic wiring plan--for forming all of the cells (neurons) and general connections between different brain regions". Dr. Sarah Brewer, Brent Logan, Glenn Doman from the United States and another scientists (forgot his name) from Russia have all confirmed that the basic wiring plan is influenced by the stimulation that a child in the womb receives. A nurture factor and not a nature factor. To attribute the wiring of cells to generic attributes is something that has been proven to be wrong by neuro-scientists. A child learns by repetition at an early stage and each of them can learn anything that is taught to them in a fun and joyous way. Genes is only influencial only to the extent whether it is fully functional or defective. If it is not defective, then all of us have an equal start. To believe otherwise (as far as intelligence is concerned) is just an excuse for under-performance. There is no Albert Einstein gene. We have only found that he utilised a larger section of his brain. Zhou Zhou, a famous music conductor was born a retard but he made great achievements in the music world. What gene does he have? A music gene?? I like the slogan "Never too young to start learning". DBBoy |
Dr.T | 2004-11-05 20:08 |
Quote: DBBoy 寫道: ...another scientists (forgot his name) from Russia have all confirmed that the basic wiring plan is influenced by the stimulation that a child in the womb receives. A nurture factor and not a nature factor. Could that Russian scientist be Vygotsky or his student, Luria? I personally 100% agree that it's difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between nature and nurture. In fact an Israel psychologist has developed a programme loosely based on Vygotskian theory and claiming the thru it even retarded students could achieve some kind of success. He's called Feuerstein and the programme is "Instrumental Enrichment. " Feuerstein also wrote a book called "Don't Accept Me as I am: Helping 'Retarded' Person to Excel." |
DBBoy | 2004-11-06 04:41 |
The name of the scientist is Mikhail Lazarev, M.D., Chief Physician of Children's Rehabilitation Center 1992-1995, Institute for Professional Educators 1996-1997. His address is Salam-Adila, 5-38 Moscow, Russia 123448. He is the person who did the clinical trial for Babyplus. I got his name from a Brent Logan book that I read. For the reasons as I have stated, if a gene has no defects, there is no good gene or bad gene, just parents who offer a child a good environment or a bad environment. DBBoy |
stellafu | 2004-11-06 22:58 |
wai, very professional speaking..... to me, I don't think children can be trained as資優 |
DBBoy | 2004-11-09 00:56 |
On a matter as serious as this one, what we think is not important. What we do to search for proof and guidance is what we should do. As adults, what we do and don't do affects the upbringing of our child. On this issue, I have spoken at length to Mrs. Ho of KinderU and she gave me a number of examples and also referred me to many books on the subject (Mainly Doman). I agree with her that we must not assess the abilities of our child based on how we were brought up or our memory of our schooling. Much has changed since then (Talking to Mrs. Ho is enlightening if you belong to the early learning camp). Who could imagine taking a baby to be taught music, languages at the age of three months and expecting results of anykind. Two or three years ago, anykind of thoughts like this would seem crazy to me. However, seeing these babies enjoying what they are doing and showing that they can comprehend what the teachers said (at the age of 4 months) forced me to take off my cap and salute their intelligence. DBBoy |
yyyy | 2004-11-12 13:55 |
資優的英文是gifted,如果是gifted, 似乎是天賜的,如果是天生,後期訓練又可幫到幾多? 現在人人也提倡早期教育, 但一歲可以說出26個字母和三歲才懂,又有甚麼分別? 有沒有人可以講吓妳的教育理念? |
fannychoi | 2004-11-12 20:11 |
天生 的 |
DBBoy | 2004-11-13 16:03 |
The answer to "資優可以訓練的嗎?" is a definite YES!! The point is whether the "opportunity costs" is justified and who actual pays the opportunity costs. What is the motive behind so doing??? A person can train for Olympics to glorify their country, to bring honour to the family or become a movie star of "Emperor Group". I want my child to speak four languages by seven so he will never worry about making a living, he will have friends from all corners of the Earth. I want may child to swim because I want him to be tall and healthy and have good lungs so he brings more oxygen to his little body. I want him to learn to read by three so his knowledge will only be limited to what books there are at the Library or at home. I want him to learn Kung Fu so he can promote this Chinese National Art to people all over the world and be proud to be Chinese. He can also be a Kung Fu master when he gets to University and win the respect of his peers. I want him to be good at a music instrument so he can pay for his own studies unlike his Dad who needed to work as a waiter and have something that he can appreciate and enjoy even when he grows old. Dear parents, examine your motives. Always keep the welling being of your child at the number one place and enjoy your time with them. Do not get over zealous over grades, marks and IQ :wave: |