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daichoigo | 2005-02-16 23:50
最細4 years old 做唔做到? :roll:
Helen_Chiu | 2005-02-17 01:01
how much..
is it more expensive mean more accurate
daichoigo | 2005-02-17 11:34
Dear Helen_Chiu,

Yes, expensive means more accurate. So I want to do this for my daughter with average $1,500 - $2,000. But I don't know where I can do it. :wave:
chineric | 2005-02-19 00:03
My son took an internationally-recognized IQ test at 'Fullife' for $2,500 and results proved that he was a gifted child. You can find more information from their website http://fullife.com.hk/

doris_712 | 2005-02-22 19:20
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tuenyima | 2005-02-23 14:08
fannychoi | 2005-03-01 21:28

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為什麼要Check IQ?
1.check 左個仔/女的IQ 會唔會對個仔/女有幫助??
2. 定係個家長個心裏會感到高興一些?
3. 可以因材施教?