New VSA Campus

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Baoma | 2007-11-05 18:10
Any parents been to the new campus tour on Saturday? what do you think? I think it is really well done, so spacious and with so many facilites, my son was most excited about his "own locker"!:-P
雅花 | 2007-11-09 16:31
你仔仔幾年級呀? 我個三年級. 我尋日先問佢,點解將所有嘢帶番屋企. 佢話個locker係放書包,唔係留d書係學校過夜喎. 8-)
我對個室內泳池好有期望. 如果第日佢可以係學校d課外活動習泳,咁我就唔駛佢用d星期六出去學.
hoboy | 2007-11-10 09:30
Quote:原文章由 雅花 於 07-11-9 16:31 硐表
你仔仔幾年級呀? 我個三年級. 我尋日先問佢,點解將所有嘢帶番屋企. 佢話個locker係放書包,唔係留d書係學校過夜喎. 8-)
我對個室內泳池好有期望. 如果第日佢可以係學校d課外活動習泳,咁我就唔駛佢用d星期六出去學. ...


我個仔都係三年級, 佢很喜歡新校舍, 多了很多地方活動. 佢有放d書係locker woh.

我都好期待個室內泳池呢~~ 重有個auditorium :lol

你仔仔多功課嗎? 我仔果班既功課量同小一果時差唔多, 每日1-2樣, 有時冇功課添. 對三年級黎講, 真係較少呢, 所以我仔都比較懶散, 佢又唔肯做額外既練習, 寫幾個字又話手痛 :L
neo媽 | 2007-11-12 08:25
開放日我問過體育老師, 如無記錯佢話現時只有小五以上PE先有游水, 佢話因為一班總有八九個學生落水呱呱叫, 所以要慢慢來, 遲D先會比底年班有游水課.....唔知要等到幾時囉......

Quote:原文章由 雅花 於 07-11-9 16:31 硐表
你仔仔幾年級呀? 我個三年級. 我尋日先問佢,點解將所有嘢帶番屋企. 佢話個locker係放書包,唔係留d書係學校過夜喎. 8-)
我對個室內泳池好有期望. 如果第日佢可以係學校d課外活動習泳,咁我就唔駛佢用d星期六出去學. ...

雅花 | 2007-11-12 13:33
雅花仔都唔算少功課. 佢有參加學校的課外活動,校車到站都差不多5:30後.所以佢每天的開工時間都要晚上7:00左右,做埋每日一篇,練埋琴,最快都要成10:00.
個新校舍真係好鬼正.你話佢比大學生用都得.相信對d小學生黎講,真係好有campus feel.:P
雅花 | 2007-11-12 13:38
neo 媽,
Tatama123 | 2007-11-12 16:36
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Baoma | 2007-11-12 20:47
Hello 雅花, hoboy & neoma,
Nice to meet you all here. I posted some response to this thread yesterday but don't know why it's gone. Anyway, my boy is in P2, he only brings back books that are needed for homework, so I presume he does use his locker to keep his other books. Nad yes, the swimming pool is really amazing, hope it can be used for swimming class soon.

Quote:原文章由 雅花 於 07-11-9 16:31 硐表
你仔仔幾年級呀? 我個三年級. 我尋日先問佢,點解將所有嘢帶番屋企. 佢話個locker係放書包,唔係留d書係學校過夜喎. 8-)
我對個室內泳池好有期望. 如果第日佢可以係學校d課外活動習泳,咁我就唔駛佢用d星期六出去學. ...

Baoma | 2007-11-12 20:54
Hi Tatama123,
1 hour is more than enough, actually a lot of times my son would have finished some of his homework in school. I am satisfied with thier 課程. the school focuses a lot on 常識, or what they call POI (Project of Inquiry), part of the IB curriculum. I am not sure whether 普通話老師是否native, but her pronounciation sounds very native to me. 英文老師是西人, and I think the school only employ native English speakers with good qualifications.
Hope the above helps, and other parents please correct me if I got it wrong!

Quote:原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-12 16:36 硐表

你仔仔每晚要做幾耐功課? 一小時得未? 你覺得課程深唔深? 有冇常識? Eng or chi ?普通話老師是否native, 英文老師是否西人?

hoboy | 2007-11-12 21:53
我地可能見過面bor :-) :-)
你仔仔日日都有課外活動? :-o 我仔就只參加左星期三的課外活動, 時間會見用d, 因為佢好早訓 9:30前就會上床呢!

唔知係咪維記出品都係坐唔定架呢? 我兩位公子都係做功課周身郁:wth:
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