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蝦米 | 2008-04-26 08:39
請問各VSA家長, 學校校風好嗎? 有欺凌程況嗎?
英文和中文程度如何? 老師helpful嗎? 學生會否因太寬鬆而比較懶呢?
鄰居有小朋友就讀, 大約P2-P3, 聽佢同家傭對話, 英文程度好一般, 跟一般本地小學差不多呢!
Yau_Cheung | 2008-04-27 21:22
Quote:原文章由 蝦米 於 08-4-26 08:39 發表
請問各VSA家長, 學校校風好嗎? 有欺凌程況嗎?
英文和中文程度如何? 老師helpful嗎? 學生會否因太寬鬆而比較懶呢?
鄰居有小朋友就讀, 大約P2-P3, 聽佢同家傭對話, 英文程度好一般, 跟一般本地小學差不多呢! ...

As VSA is not an international school and most of students are Chinese, you cannot expect their english is as good as students who are studying in international school. It provided a balanced environment (english/chinese). Students can write and read chinese and it's standard is similar to local school.

Besides, the principle just announced that VSA will only accept Victoria Kin's students in 1st round. If all seats are filled in 1st round, VSA will not accept the outsider.
Tinama | 2008-05-07 12:13

Quote:原文章由 蝦米 於 08-4-26 08:39 發表
請問各VSA家長, 學校校風好嗎? 有欺凌程況嗎?
英文和中文程度如何? 老師helpful嗎? 學生會否因太寬鬆而比較懶呢?
鄰居有小朋友就讀, 大約P2-P3, 聽佢同家傭對話, 英文程度好一般, 跟一般本地小學差不多呢! ...

FYLSK | 2008-05-07 12:32
100%同意Tinama所講:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
蝦米 | 2008-05-07 14:32
外人可以參觀嗎? 早上都會見到VSA學生等校巴, 又不覺太頑皮, 只是英文不算太好!! 真的那麼差嗎!? 你小朋友在VSA就讀嗎? 是否經常被欺凌?

Quote:原文章由 Tinama 於 08-5-7 12:13 發表
學校校風如何?建議你有時間,在小息或午飯時段到學校看看。你說的欺凌情况是絕對有,在小息打架、推撞、在飯堂擲吃剩的食物(生果或生菜)等行為,不難看到,而負責當值老師通常只兩三人站在一旁聊天看不到,所以不要期望以上事情 ...

Tinama | 2008-05-08 23:34
Please check your PM.
Yau_Cheung | 2008-05-09 19:30
Quote:原文章由 Tinama 於 08-5-8 23:34 發表
Please check your PM.

hi Tinama,

Could you pm to me too. Many thanks.:adore:
Baoma | 2008-05-10 12:13
Hi, my son is studying in VSA. A lot of people misunderstnad VSA to be an international school. I view it as a mix between local and international school, I like the fact that the students learn Chinese reading and writing just like local school kids do and that they have exposure to and learning methods similar to international schools. I also think the situations decribed by Tinama can be found in any primary schools whether it is a local or international school, those are just natural behaviour of kids, so no big deal. If you are really interested to find out more about the school, there is an open day on 17th May, next Saturday, you can come and see for yourself. of course I would be happy to answer if you have other specific questions on the school.

Quote:原文章由 蝦米 於 08-5-7 14:32 發表
外人可以參觀嗎? 早上都會見到VSA學生等校巴, 又不覺太頑皮, 只是英文不算太好!! 真的那麼差嗎!? 你小朋友在VSA就讀嗎? 是否經常被欺凌?

蝦米 | 2008-05-13 12:22
那學生的英文情度如何? 不及國際學校, 但會比傳統好嗎? 你囝囝試過被欺凌嗎?

Quote:原文章由 Baoma 於 08-5-10 12:13 發表
Hi, my son is studying in VSA. A lot of people misunderstnad VSA to be an international school. I view it as a mix between local and international school, I like the fact that the students learn Chine ...

FYLSK | 2008-05-14 17:56
Since my son has studied in Victoria Group for 5 yrs (inc. 3 yrs kindergarten), his Eng. standard i think is better than the same grade in local school. However, VSA encourage the students use their mother tongue outside classroom. that is, you can speak your own language. So, that's why their eng.standard will not improved so much.

Did VSA know that "Practice" is an important factor for improvement the work? For eg. We need to practice more so that our piano skill will be improved. :surprised: If the school encourage the students to speak Eng and Mandarin during recess or anywhere, I think their English standard will have great improvement. From the point of School, they dont need to spend time and money but only "Encourage". Why dont try it?:omouth:
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