VSA Admission 2019/20

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sorrento_park | 2018-06-16 19:57
We got the offer yesterday!!!

sorrento_park | 2018-06-16 20:24
Quote:sorrento_park 發表於 18-6-16 19:57 We got the offer yesterday!!!

anyone got the same?

KiffyL | 2018-06-17 21:48
Quote:sorrento_park 發表於 18-6-16 20:24 anyone got the same?

me too!

watermelonmama | 2018-06-18 12:50
Me too ..!!
vic_29 | 2018-06-18 13:05
Quote:watermelonmama 發表於 18-6-18 12:50 Me too ..!!

Yes, Congrats!! Can anyone confirm the absolute deadline to pay the deposit?

KiffyL | 2018-06-18 17:27
Quote:vic_29 發表於 18-6-18 13:05 Yes, Congrats!! Can anyone confirm the absolute deadline to pay the deposit?

[i=s] 本帖最後由 KiffyL 於 18-6-18 17:29 編輯 [/i] Just checked the result of confirmation, we need to return the reply slip with the capital levy on or before 5 pm on 22 June 2018.

sorrento_park | 2018-06-18 17:55
Quote:KiffyL 發表於 18-6-18 17:27 本帖最後由 KiffyL 於 18-6-18 17:29 編輯 Just checked the result of confirmation, we need to retu ...

22 June

sorrento_park | 2018-06-18 18:00
We are from HH campus, and u all? : )

KiffyL | 2018-06-18 18:02
Quote:sorrento_park 發表於 18-6-18 18:00 We are from HH campus, and u all? : )

we are from SH campus

lamlam0710 | 2018-06-19 14:53
Same here. We are from CWB campus.

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