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MMChan | 2011-10-26 08:21
阿仔考完中文, 話份卷很深,重有幾題冇做,真係好擔心佢會唔合格!!:-( :-(
monmonc | 2011-10-26 17:27
Quote:原帖由 MMChan 於 11-10-26 08:21 發表
阿仔考完中文, 話份卷很深,重有幾題冇做,真係好擔心佢會唔合格!!:-( :-(

Not to worry. My kid got fever the day before the test of Chinese & General studies. I knew he's not in good condition to take the test. He said he just got 5 mins to do the Chinese composition.

And today for the English paper, he said he already knew losing marks in comprehension.

Actually, I'm also so unhappy. but think deeply, being the parent, I already tried my best to study with him. May be try to think this is test only and not be counted on the 呈分試, we still have a month to go.

Add Oil!!
kiukiuleung | 2011-10-27 09:39
:igiveup: :igiveup:
Quote:原帖由 monmonc 於 11-10-26 17:27 發表

Not to worry. My kid got fever the day before the test of Chinese & General studies. I knew he's not in good condition to take the test. He said he just got 5 mins to do the Chinese composition.

A ...

monmonc | 2011-10-27 10:54
Quote:原帖由 kiukiuleung 於 11-10-27 09:39 發表
:igiveup: :igiveup:

Kiukiuleung, are your son in P6 too?
kiukiuleung | 2011-10-27 11:25
sorry ,無睇標題!阿仔今年p.5! [ 本帖最後由 kiukiuleung 於 11-10-27 11:30 編輯 ]
monmonc | 2011-10-27 14:10
Quote:原帖由 kiukiuleung 於 11-10-27 11:25 發表
sorry ,無睇標題!阿仔今年p.5!

It doesn't matter. You still have more than a year to go. Ask your son to well-equip himself in the first semenster of P.5. During the 2nd semester, he's going to compete with other students.
kiukiuleung | 2011-10-27 14:48
:verycold: :verycold:thanks [ 本帖最後由 kiukiuleung 於 11-10-27 14:53 編輯 ]
Lovely媽咪 | 2011-10-27 16:04
又係我呀:happy: 上年呢個時間我同你地既心情一樣,好驚佢有唔合格,就算真係唔合格都冇辦法,唯有係考試到盡量拉番高啲,因填表時只需填中/英/數既總成績,不用分測驗同考試,同埋填操行,而操行我係填出現最多既,因又係只填一個,不像官小分到咁子細.
monmonc | 2011-10-27 16:45
Quote:原帖由 kiukiuleung 於 11-10-27 14:48 發表
:verycold: :verycold:thanks

Yes actually if you have plenty of time on Nov and Dec, please reserve the weekends for the school visit when your child is in P5. Coz for the same period in P6, you're fully occupied with an intensive study on kid for 2nd 呈分試, filling the S1 admission application form and preparing portfolio to those interested school. You really don't hv time to shop around.

This is my true advice as I'm the one suffered from terrible schedule starting from coming Nov. I haven't prepared well last year coz I was busy with works at new company.

So if you have time this year, it's worthwhile to pick some schools to hv a look.

This website may provide the info of S1 admission seminar and open day

monmonc | 2011-10-27 16:55
Quote:原帖由 Lovely媽咪 於 11-10-27 16:04 發表
又係我呀:happy: 上年呢個時間我同你地既心情一樣,好驚佢有唔合格,就算真係唔合格都冇辦法,唯有係考試到盡量拉番高啲,因填表時只需填中/英/數既總成績,不用分測驗同考試,同埋填操行,而操行我係填出現最多既,因又係只 ...

Lovely mami, so envy you're free now. My son got fever before the 1st day of test. He haven't been sick for a long time. It's weird he was sick at that critical moment. I'm worry if I put too much pressure on him, and so it represented he's too stressful. It will have exam by end of coming Nov. Should I still go ahead the intensive study onto him?
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