3gdvank | 2013-08-21 09:49 |
請問有沒有讀right mind 的家長? 想問校車服務幾錢? 很喜歡他們重視德育教育, 但好似他們有很多自費項目?
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Siubobo1328 | 2013-09-13 23:07 |
Rightmind school bus 諗住俾個仔搭校車唔使婆婆咁辛苦早起身車佢,點知第一天搭個校車司機就用了兩個鈡先車到佢返來,返到來小寶好驚咁講"bang! Baby fell down, no school bus!"第一日搭有工人姐姐陪問工人姐姐先知呢個校巴司機同亞嬸好唔掂,個司機唔識路亂兜,所以由香港仔去半山用了兩個鐘,個亞嬸仲衰,冇同小朋友扣好安全帶有個小朋友坐坐下跌了落車椅底,個亞嬸冇抱返佢起身而係拉住佢件衫拉佢出來,到達屋企時婆婆問個亞嬸點解咁遲個亞嬸仲叫個司機快d關門走!跟住今日個校巴負責人打來話個日用了兩個鐘係因為有小朋友上錯車(咁都得!)要返轉頭接,同埋個跌到嘅小朋友有扣安全帶只係鬆所以跌了出來(咁即係佢求其扣冇責任幫小朋友扣緊啦?佢哋得2,3歳咋!)仲又解釋話因為有一個小朋友全程喊所以個亞嬸要照顧佢(咁即係我如果有2個仔,一個喊緊一個跌咗落街我都唔係疏忽照顧)? |
tam888 | 2013-09-16 14:24 |
Agree, very bad service
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Walala99 | 2013-09-17 00:01 |
回復 Siubobo1328 的帖子
Omg, this is not acceptable. How did u solve the problem? |
Fung420 | 2013-09-24 01:06 |
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chincilla | 2013-09-25 13:00 |
Yes, the school bus services has been poor. The drivers said blamed the delay on the first day of school was owing to the fact that the teachers sent the students on the wrong school bus. The drivers had to go back to school & let the students get off. But it was quite amusing that the teachers sent the students on to wrong school bus! |
kellyfan | 2013-09-26 22:29 |
Siubobo1328 | 2013-10-02 23:58 |
I hire a driver for my baby at the end but i did report this to mrs ho and very impressed that she attended to this matter immediately and stand in the school bus area for a few days to ensure they leave on time |