有無人知RM 2014-2015 PN收幾多人?

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cpuiyi | 2013-10-03 15:06
有無人知RM 2014-2015 PN收幾多人?
Fung420 | 2013-10-04 14:57
大約收 60 人。

cpuiyi | 2013-10-04 17:37

Fung420 | 2013-10-05 14:12
有同學仔10月出世,最緊要面試時肯坐定定,首先會以group interview ,之後再同小朋友一齊見老師。^_^

cpuiyi | 2013-10-06 21:38
Thanks for yr reply. This year need to pay 500 dollars application fee. :money$$:

Babybaby2011 | 2013-10-20 13:18
Quote:原帖由 Fung420 於 13-10-05 發表
有同學仔10月出世,最緊要面試時肯坐定定,首先會以group interview ,之後再同小朋友一齊見老師。^_^
你指Group interview 係家長定小朋友?因為聽說rightmind只係interview家長唔會in小朋友

wuws | 2013-10-21 17:44
PN 點止收60人,應該多D!假設上下午各兩班,每班25-27人,都差不多100人

yocoffee | 2013-11-06 02:42
回復 Babybaby2011 的帖子 No group interview. Interview parents as well as the kids. they are asked to go to different rooms and interview seperately.
Kids interview is mainly putting the kid in front of the teacher for showing flash cards, some activities, and singing and dance to see if the kid are actively participating

Babybaby2011 | 2013-11-06 07:56
Quote:原帖由 yocoffee 於 13-11-06 發表
回復 Babybaby2011 的帖子 No group interview. Interview parents as well as the kids. they are asked ...
Thank you! Should one parent go with the kid while the other one go for interview?

Fung420 | 2013-11-06 15:20
對不起我去年是in creche ,所以資料可能不同,我小b已經在rightmind上堂,一班16人,由playgroup 已開始上,可能pn 面試方式有些不同,因為我地in那時,同上play group 情況差不多,考下flash card , 之後去other room 見老師。

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