cat20203 | 2017-03-22 10:30 |
Moreover, n1 have show and tell, discipline training, so they learn step by step, the learning ability higher than just giving remember vocabs(學校不會教深字,在幼兒階段沒有意義) |
ecwong | 2017-03-22 11:27 |
Quote:cat20203 發表於 17-3-22 10:30 Moreover, n1 have show and tell, discipline training, so they learn step by step, the learning abili ... |
Erin2015 | 2017-03-22 11:42 |
Quote:cat20203 發表於 17-3-22 10:24
Congrats all new n1 students and parents Principal pick up students in experience, most of them smar ... |
cat20203 | 2017-03-22 12:16 |
loktingting | 2017-03-22 12:42 |
IN的機會也沒有,真傷心~ |
Erin2015 | 2017-03-22 13:15 |
Quote:loktingting 發表於 17-3-22 12:42 IN的機會也沒有,真傷心~ |
saycheese | 2017-04-03 12:31 |
該帖被管理員或版主屏蔽 |
uncle13 | 2017-04-05 23:00 |
各位,我今日終於收到好消息,學校收了小兒讀全日班,10月開課。 學校真係有點急,4月3日出信,4月5日收到信,4月8日就要注冊,否則當放棄論。 |
bbanya | 2017-04-05 23:50 |
Quote:uncle13 發表於 17-4-5 23:00 各位,我今日終於收到好消息,學校收了小兒讀全日班,10月開課。 學校真係有點急,4月3日出信,4月5日收到 ... |
uncle13 | 2017-04-05 23:55 |
Quote:bbanya 發表於 17-4-5 23:50 Congrats! 係N1嗎? |