2018PN 報名交流互相打氣區(大圍)

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Emmasmama | 2018-03-05 16:12
Hope everyone performed well during the interview! Are interviews all finished? Mine was 3/3. And felt that the teachers were all very nice. Does anyone know when we will know results? Forgot to ask

大當家 | 2018-03-05 18:06
Quote:Emmasmama 發表於 18-3-5 16:12 Hope everyone performed well during the interview! Are interviews all finished?


Emmasmama | 2018-03-05 18:24
Quote:大當家 發表於 18-3-1 18:20 請問面試時小朋友是否坐家長旁玩玩具? 一位老師觀察小朋友?一個老師同家長傾計?

Yes basically our child was told to sit in between us, and was offered toys to play with on the table. And principal mainly chatted with us. Also asked our child to name the people in the family picture we sent in and to push the chair back when leaving. Quite casual. Good luck!

大當家 | 2018-03-05 18:51
Quote:Emmasmama 發表於 18-3-5 18:24 Yes basically our child was told to sit in between us, and was offered toys to play with on the tab ...

謝謝 你當日面試多人嗎?

Emmasmama | 2018-03-05 19:20
Quote:大當家 發表於 18-3-5 18:51 謝謝 你當日面試多人嗎?

I only saw another family waiting for interview after me

BearBB16 | 2018-03-05 23:54
Quote:大當家 發表於 18-3-5 18:06 我17/3先面試


大當家 | 2018-03-06 13:11
Quote:BearBB16 發表於 18-3-5 23:54 你幾時收interview通知?

Last week

simoncchan | 2018-03-20 09:16
17/3 interview, waiting for result now
walafa | 2018-03-20 14:48
Quote:simoncchan 發表於 18-3-20 09:16 17/3 interview, waiting for result now


BearBB16 | 2018-03-20 22:14
Interview 冇問到幾時有消息,希望復活節前知得唔得。大家係未都係校長in?

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