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Florence2008 | 2013-09-23 17:54
請問聖馬善樂有普教中嗎? 學校網頁沒提供資料
tsesuki | 2013-09-23 23:27

Florence2008 | 2013-09-24 20:24
謝謝。請問試行普教中是給小二至小六?校方有冇提及何時會實行全面普教中?小女現讀英普班,我想她上小學後仍繼續多學普通話。 另請問知否舊校那邊的課程安排跟新校是否一樣呢? Thx

tsesuki | 2013-09-25 07:20

Florence2008 | 2013-09-26 19:08
回復 tsesuki 的帖子 Thanks for your reply.

Do you know if the old campus provides 普教中? I checked the website of old campus and it seems they provide more support on this area (if my understanding is correct).
Actually, most likely I will pick one of the Oblate Primary School in the 1st round. That's why I want to try to get more information and compare the differences between the two campuses.

tsesuki | 2013-09-26 20:03
up to you !

ngkwaiyee | 2013-10-06 18:56

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Quote:Florence2008 發表於 13-9-26 19:08
回復 tsesuki 的帖子

Thanks for your reply.
Suggested you better check out both Oblate forum then.
The old campuse suggested this programe for years and executed since 2011? (info. fm website)
Somehow teacher will select few mandarin ambbassadors from each class/grade, and they will on duty during their recess. My boy who participated in last year.
However, kids who learn language in their daily life is the most efficient way.