The teachers and the Principal of 世佛會文殊幼兒學校 are really good

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conniewktang | 2012-03-23 15:29
My son is now studying in 世佛會文殊幼兒學校 W F B MANJUSRI NURSERY SCH. He is in N p.m. 2011-12. He was a new student in the p. m. class in January, 2012. When he started to study there, he was just 2 years old. His class teacher Ms Mak is so nice. I won't have any worries as she can tell everything about my son to us such as what he has eaten at the tea time and if he has eaten a lot etc. She is patient enough and my son learns quite a lot after attending her class. My son becomes more polite and obedient. To me, though the school campus is a bit old and it is not a sort of beautiful or new school, the teachers and the Principal are really nice and helpful. Besides Ms Mak, I find that the teachers such as Ms Suen and Ms Wong are also good and it seems that they have got a lot of child care experience and they can understand the kids well. Compared with some schools, the other schools emphasize the qualifications of teachers and curriculum only, but maybe the teachers lack that actual experience in teaching and taking care of the children according to their development. By the way, I like my son's class teacher Ms Mak very much and I thank her for taking care of every kid with a kind heart.

[i=s] 本帖最後由 conniewktang 於 12-5-30 12:45 編輯 [/i]
Happypypy | 2012-04-17 08:12
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Happypypy 於 12-4-23 00:06 編輯 [/i] totally agree,
Happypypy | 2012-04-23 00:06
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Happypypy 於 12-4-23 00:08 編輯 [/i] 回復 conniewktang 的帖子

我個仔仔都係, 係度讀梗 , 雖然係公屋屋村地方, 環境衞生真係一般, 但老師O既愛心 耐性 團隊精神 真係好難搵到 最奇怪係 個小朋友唔係佢地個班 其他級別 O既 老師 都會識得呢個小朋友 , 即是佢地行政麻麻 , 教O既O野唔係下下所謂三文兩語 我都覺得 老師O既愛心 係最難能可貴 呢間學校 唔會有 INTERVIEW , 唔會揀學生 有位就收小朋友 ~ 有教無累O既精神 , 他們更會時時刻刻都會幫你慳錢 包括學費, 校服, 早餐午餐, 手作製O既費用, 我真係好敬佩 敬佩校長 敬佩學校O既老師 甚致係做清潔煮飯O既姨姨 ...呢D 真係辦學O既精神 ,,,

irisleung1225 | 2012-05-11 17:58
conniewktang | 2012-05-11 18:12
irisleung1225 | 2012-05-12 11:46
見呢間又近近地 而加仲有位
irisleung1225 | 2012-05-12 11:46
我仔仔仲未戒片 .....歲半喇...
conniewktang | 2012-05-12 20:00
Happypypy | 2012-05-13 08:20
間學校俾我想像中少內地人 。 戒片你又唔洗膽心 你帶定兩條褲 襪 俾佢地幫小朋友濕咗換就得了 ! 學校呢排多了很多新老師,有另一種新氣象 !
conniewktang | 2012-05-14 22:22
新老師好似做實習而已,今日有個實習老師last day請小朋友食糖.
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