Victoria Second In

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Lalaji | 2017-02-21 19:05
Quote:chanchancat 發表於 17-2-21 18:51 Oh then they would count....count in their record ....but not a good record. Why you quit? Go for ...

we think art plus is too far and don't think that the playgroup would offer much benefits to the pn interview. actually no one can prove it.

fafalui | 2017-02-21 21:53
其實填表個時填職業上班地址 我念唔難知老闆同高層 。

thinkthinksin | 2017-02-21 21:58
Quote:fafalui 發表於 17-2-21 21:53 其實填表個時填職業上班地址 我念唔難知老闆同高層 。


michew | 2017-02-21 22:04
Quote:Lalaji 發表於 17-2-21 19:05 we think art plus is too far and don't think that the playgroup would offer much benefits to the pn ...

AP 基本上係入Victoria 嘅必定動作,除非好似樓上講你係famous people 咪唔洗,讀讀下quit 咗佢會blacklist....有細佬妹想入都入唔返

busydaddy | 2017-02-21 22:46
Quote:michew 發表於 17-2-21 22:04 AP 基本上係入Victoria 嘅必定動作,除非好似樓上講你係famous people 咪唔洗,讀讀下quit 咗佢會blacklis ...


tyson715 | 2017-02-21 23:20
請問收到2nd in 既家長,係咪都係早上收到email家哩?
lamlam0710 | 2017-02-21 23:27
Quote:DengCK 發表於 17-2-21 15:45 你好,好奇一問,同是vic,你點解會轉去cwb呢?謝謝


lamlam0710 | 2017-02-21 23:29
Quote:torocat2010 發表於 17-2-21 17:08 也想知,同埋轉campus 有咩手續?thx

我一有下康offer 就寫信申請 transfer, 讀左一年就排到有位就問我轉唔轉。

lamlam0710 | 2017-02-21 23:36
Quote:Lalaji 發表於 17-2-21 14:58 其實今日都收唔到email, 係咪等如reject咗

我囡囡係報2015/16年 pn 咁岩果年流感高峰期,取消左 2nd in. 死好命。不過其實囡囡 1st in 時十問九唔應,不過佢有返 VIC pg, 老師話維記有派人去 observe 我個囡多一次,咁岩囡囡果日又表現好好。(其實我係有 offer 時, pg 老師先同我講返)

boojiji | 2017-02-21 23:39
Quote:lamlam0710 發表於 17-2-21 23:29
我一有下康offer 就寫信申請 transfer, 讀左一年就排到有位就問我轉唔轉。
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