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Smallpigbb | 2010-11-04 14:02
chei05 | 2010-11-04 15:27
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kitmantsoi | 2010-11-04 16:20
加拿大人同澳洲人D口音都好唔同, 就算英國人唔同地方都唔同口音la (London and Scotland). 只要發音正確就ok la係唔係?
pandabonita | 2010-11-05 01:13
咁如果有學校話用NET但其實是一個普通話好好的100%香港人(從未在大陸住過)教普通話,大家都應可以接受. [ 本帖最後由 pandabonita 於 10-11-5 01:19 編輯 ]
charlotte2008 | 2010-11-05 11:04
NET = Native English Teacher
It does not mean PTH (Potonghua).

Honestly speaking, we cannnot request the kinder to employ what nationality or what country origin of the NET or PTH teachers as long as they are professional. But of course, they have to be well-trained and also passed those professional language exams and even with training on child care or education.

Quote:原帖由 pandabonita 於 10-11-5 01:13 發表

pandabonita | 2010-11-05 11:57
dont get me wrong, I dont have issue w Indian teaching my kids. in fact, the best instructor out of all the extra curriculum lessons that my kid attends is an Indian (but its not a lesson for english), she has 2 master degrees.

the point is that if a school have difficulty finding 'native speakers' then they should make it clear and not to mislead parents. [ 本帖最後由 pandabonita 於 10-11-5 12:22 編輯 ]
charlotte2008 | 2010-11-05 14:08
Yes.... but a Chinese can also be a native English speaker if she / he gets used to speak in Eng, say born or educated in foreign countries. So the kinder have not cheated or misled you if that Indian really speaks Eng well.

So even an Indian may also be a native Eng speaker. My former colleague (an Indian) was working in Paris.... he was indeed a native French speaker as he got education all thru in France..... his Eng is also good..... so a NET may be at all nationalities.... not just those with white skin or blondy hair.

Just sharing.... agree with me ? .... :)

Quote:原帖由 pandabonita 於 10-11-5 11:57 發表
dont get me wrong, I dont have issue w Indian teaching my kids. in fact, the best instructor out of all the extra curriculum lessons that my kid attends is an Indian (but its not a lesson for english ...

kitmantsoi | 2010-11-05 15:10
100% agreed.

Quote:原帖由 charlotte2008 於 10-11-5 14:08 發表
Yes.... but a Chinese can also be a native English speaker if she / he gets used to speak in Eng, say born or educated in foreign countries. So the kinder have not cheated or misled you if that Indian ...

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