The teachers and the Principal of 世佛會文殊幼兒學校 are really good

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Happypypy | 2012-05-15 22:07
哦…實習,我個仔可能因為讀上午班,唔覺佢有糖食。七月十四有光影戲劇睇,你報名未呀 ?
garfield2201 | 2012-05-15 22:23
conniewktang | 2012-05-16 08:33
Yes, I will take my son to go there on 14th July,12.
conniewktang | 2012-05-16 08:33
Quote:garfield2201 發表於 12-5-15 22:23
I am a parent and I just tell the truth.

Happypypy | 2012-05-16 23:50
我都有報,不過可能由爸爸帶去 上次去荃灣運動會我都有去,不過N班人 就得幾個去 那天好好玩 個仔玩到好攰
conniewktang | 2012-05-17 08:10
[i=s] 本帖最後由 conniewktang 於 12-5-17 12:10 編輯 [/i] I went there with my son as well last time, maybe we have met, but I don't know who you are. My son did enjoy the time very much. My son was the first baby boy, like a baby, who was invited by the coach (the instructor) to go to the stage to do the exercise with him on the left hand side of the stage. They demonstrated how to do the exercise, do you remember my son?
Happypypy | 2012-05-18 06:59
有印象有個小朋友上去,表演 ! 那天,我就拖埋個女去一齊去玩 。兩個小朋友年紀差不多
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