lsw0316 | 2007-11-21 23:52 |
lsw0316 | 2007-11-22 00:06 |
Sai-Lo | 2007-11-22 14:48 |
Hi Isw0316, My son was born in Aug. ar. So, 唔係大又唔叫好細 lor. 我係working mama, 平日係公公接/送学, 但今日公公busy. So i ask my maid to take him school。但係阿仔今早死痴住我, 咁我同佢講: mama 要返工做嘢, 叫姐姐送你返学, 好唔好? 佢只答我: mama. 跟住問佢係唔係想mama送你返学? 佢又只答我: mama. 再之後"直情"坐响我隻大脾好似樹熊咁。 見到咁,心都軟哂。結果送完佢返学就飛的回office lor. Last night, i ask BB what do u eat for snack in school? :lol: HE SAID: 菜菜 (因當時佢正在吃菜菜)。After finish dinner, i ask again, did u eat 粥粥 or 餅餅 in school, he said粥粥。 亂答一通?-( 咁妳地又有冇諗住俾BB响第2樹讀K1呀? Sai-lo |
LittleMiyo | 2007-11-22 14:58 |
hello, 各位,我今個星期六會去方interview, so I will play attenetin on this topic. I want to know 你地 only study N1 in 方方,but will consider other school in K1, Why ? Is 方方 ont good ??-( ?-( 我想知1班大約有幾人 ? 呢間學校有咩唔好地方 ?可以 tell me ? thanks.. |
子俊寶寶 | 2007-11-22 17:38 |
子俊寶寶 | 2007-11-22 17:54 |
Sai-Lo | 2007-11-23 09:36 |
Hello 子俊寶寶, Nice to meet u ar. My son was born in Aug., so yr BB is actually 7 months older than him. I know he might be as good as yr son after 7 months, but the problem is when i compare other children around same age with my son, they all talk much better. Maybe my son doesn't like to talk or as the teacher said, he is not confident to speak out yet. Well, the reason i choose 荃浸 probably is same as u ar...:-) eg: teacher have good & lovely heart and not too much pressure on children's homework. Only not too good is, the place is quite small. maybe not enough place for our active kid ar. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: cheers Sai-lo |
lsw0316 | 2007-11-23 17:28 |
lsw0316 | 2007-11-23 17:39 |
LittleMiyo | 2007-11-23 18:18 |
子俊寶寶,多謝你回答呀,你既分析好有道理,我會再諗諗:sick: ,荃浸要幾時報名呢 ? 我諗K1都會選有學卷,好彩仲有1年時間考慮:-) |