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samshira | 2004-06-13 00:30
hi 有個問題請教大家
我有個小朋友 4 1/2歲最近1個月,每星期一次,現在一星期兩次1:00-2:00am會醒左,話隻手好似比針針痛痛地又有哭,跟住去廁所,又去找玩具,又去摸張桌面,但佢好似在睡眠狀態,但我的家好光猛,請你們不要想d污糟野,我想請教你們知否發生咩事,或你們有冇同樣遭遇,因她次數好像頻密左,請大家幫幫忙,感激不盡。

JCYL | 2004-06-13 00:40
Did you have a family history of "sleeping walking"夢遊?Try to think is it each time he do something exciting before he sleep?
You cannot wake him up, is it?
Is it because he do something exciting or you blame him serious at that night(may be he suffered a lot of pressure?)
Try to find out the reasons first, do not scare.
samshira | 2004-06-13 01:46
首先thanks your reply

ckfyatyatm | 2004-06-13 08:06
samshira | 2004-06-14 00:36
thank you everybody,
我今日巳去了平時她睇的醫生,但他話冇咩,因他都唔知咩事,但又冇suggest 比我,我想是否要去睇兒童心理醫生呢? 你們有冇介紹或者suggest比我呢?

zimba | 2004-06-14 09:25

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From Psychiatry, Oxford core texts.

{sleep-walking: In this condition children walk around in a mechanical manner while still asleep. The eyes are usually open and the child avoids familiar objects. Sleep-walking occurs usually in the early part of the night. The child may appear agitated, and does not respond to questions. They are difficult to wake, although they can usually be led back to bed. Some children do not walk, but sit up and make repetitive movements. Episodes last usually for only a few minutes, though rarely they may continue for as long as an hour. Sleep-walking is most common between the ages of 5 and 12 years, occurring at leat once in 15% of children in this age group. Occasionally, the disorder persists into adult life.

There is no specific treatment. Parents should be told what is known about the condition, and that it usually resolves. Meanwhile, as sleep-walkers occasionally harm themselves, they should protect the child from injury by fastening dorrs and windows securely, barring stairs, adn removing dangerous objects.}

where do you live? if you like, I may introduce a Paediatrician or a Family Physician to you. Just PM me.

zimba ;-)