鑽石山靈糧第二ROUND OFFER信收到未呀?

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stockmike | 2010-12-09 18:33
9/12 今日收到信話後備生
嗊即係點? 連 round 2 都唔入圍吧
Cindyjasper | 2010-12-09 18:50
Quote:原帖由 stockmike 於 10-12-9 18:33 發表
9/12 今日收到信話後備生
嗊即係點? 連 round 2 都唔入圍吧

啱啱收到email, 話係"後備生"
係唔係無offer就係後備生???? 究竟有幾多個後備生呀 ????
我個仔係五月仔, 佢in咗9間, 但依家一間都無offer, 佢in每間嘅表現都好好, 全部答晒野, 做齊野, 係唔係我哋做家長嘅表現唔好呢 ????
鼠媽媽 | 2010-12-09 18:52
我死啦我死啦, o岩o岩收到email, 佢話收阿女下午班, 但發出的date係11月26日!!!!!!!!!!! 話12月2日要交支票!!!!!!!! 今日係12月9日呀!!! 咩事呀............我仲有冇位呀, 點解今日o岩o岩先收到個email, 我點算呀.........電話冇人聽, 我係咪明天上門問佢, 比埋個email收到時間佢看, 做証明, 死都要番個位呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 天呀!!!!!!
鼠媽媽 | 2010-12-09 18:59
ok啦ok啦, 有人聽, 佢攪錯個email內容, 20號前比支票便ok, 仲幫我再check多一次, 係收阿女, 真係嚇死我啦.........................
kiukiu1010 | 2010-12-09 19:03
今日收到EMAIL,係waitting list...
wing.2bb | 2010-12-09 19:58
ME 2 Only waiting list !!
WingL | 2010-12-09 22:28
SUPER媽 | 2010-12-09 23:01
唉, 我仔仔都係今日收到E-MAIL做後備生., 都唔知仲WAIT 唔 WAIT 好.
waterloo | 2010-12-10 03:14
我都係今日收到waiting , 都預左無 ga 啦.
shellychan2009 | 2010-12-10 10:21
Our daughter, born in Sep 08, just received the pm offer. The teacher phoned to us in the yesterday evening, and then we received two emails for the confirmation (one is outdated and one is updated).
BUT, we will turn down the offer again. Last year we also turned down the offer from Lam Tin Ling Liang N class.
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