激小 20-21 offer

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kelvinkan888 | 2019-11-15 10:57

[size=10.5pt]收到offer, [size=10.5pt]21[size=10.5pt]日[size=10.5pt]前[size=10.5pt]交$[size=10.5pt]550[size=10.5pt]元留[size=10.5pt]位[size=10.5pt]費


HelloS | 2019-11-15 19:39
lhm11 | 2019-11-16 11:32
ME3Day | 2019-11-27 22:06

kelvinkan888 | 2019-11-29 08:13
回覆 ME3Day 的帖子 It took about 15 minutes for interviewing the parents after group interviewing my son for about 30 minutes.My son can play with the blocks in another table during the parents' interview.

The teacher said my son's English skill is good in the beginning.
Then she asked me questions on on how to educate my son.

As the medium of instruction is English (except Chinese subject in Putonghua) in Gigamind, I think the school prefers the applicants with good English skill as well as to evaluate the parents whether they are matched with the school's teaching style and education philosophy.

There should be another interview for 細B again & those aplicants who have not be interviewed (absence in the Oct interview) in May.

lhm11 | 2019-12-13 23:08
回覆 ME3Day 的帖子 問左家長大概四條問題:點解揀激活,點配合普英課程,如果學術跟唔上會點。。類似咁樣
Cahrlie610 | 2020-07-27 15:04
回覆 lhm11 的帖子 請問仲有冇今年入讀小一嘅家長呢?
TingTing0001 | 2020-08-29 15:15
請問 in 家長係用中文定英文?
kelvinkan888 | 2020-08-29 16:32
回覆 TingTing0001 的帖子 中文
Cahrlie610 | 2020-10-08 14:38
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