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sharonman | 2005-03-24 23:00
想問各媽媽Tsing yi 宏福Nursery有甚麼意見呢?Thanks
wcllks | 2005-03-24 23:43
I did an interview there but the teachers were not professional at all! I had very bad experience.
Cindy.B | 2005-03-28 07:44
sharonman 寫道:
想問各媽媽Tsing yi 宏福Nursery有甚麼意見呢?Thanks


Cindy.B | 2005-03-28 07:47


可否分享吓妳的經驗,我都打算給囝囝入續.....,希望可了解多d,thx a lot

wcllks 寫道:
I did an interview there but the teachers were not professional at all! I had very bad experience.

Jennie | 2005-03-28 07:59
我唔知你地要求係咩, 我個囡e家讀緊就讀得好開心, 而我覺得d 先生都好nice, 係校舍細d. 不過初初吸引我係個校長教學/處事方法.
sharonman | 2005-03-28 22:44
同一個門口入,但我都係鐘意老師好nice,同教學方法 比較識合我但囡,我囡囡會4月中面試.
wcllks | 2005-03-28 23:38
Maybe I expect too much. However, I do mind a teacher says something like:

Your child is not good at ... What will you do to if she gets admitted?

To me, every child has his/her own development schedule and it is not appropriate to judge a child when he/she is only 20 months. On the other hand, why focus on "what parents do" but not "what parents and teachers can do together"?

I have visited many schools and the teachers in Tivoli gave me the worst impression. The interview experience of Learning Habitat was a lot better. It made more sense and most importantly, the principle said
"Even if we do not give your child an offer, it does not mean that your child is not good, it just means that we do not have enough spaces."
I think this is what real education means.
Jennie | 2005-03-29 11:39
u do know who is the interviewer??? Would u enrol international class???

my daughter was nothing to play and say during the interview. She only looked at the teacher when the teacher spoke her name. As u mentioned the teacher said your child is not good, I agreed it's really hurt....my daughter was said nothing b4 going to nuresery and now she's talkative and active.

係nursery 男/女同廁, 另外kindergarten 就男女分開, 因為d auntie 容易照顧d 細. 幫佢地/教佢地自理去廁所, 呢樣我個囡又好好喎...但如廁時間會有平風隔開. 大家都唔會睇到.

wcllks | 2005-03-29 14:09
Hi Jennie:

I did apply for the international class. Honestly, my daughter might behave very differently from your daughter. She also did not speak but said only hi. She did not sit quietly on a chair but was attracted by the pen that was in the teacher's hand. She went to the teacher and wanted to get the pen. After getting a crayon, she sat down and drew on a paper. She followed some, but not all, of the instructions that the teacher gave on drawing. She did not answer any question, or more precisely, she ignored all the questions and was focus on drawing and finding something new to play.

The teacher then sang. The song was a song that my daughter learned from her playgroup. My daugther knew how to do gestures with that song. Again, my daughter stood there and did nothing. Time was not enough for her to react. However, the conclusion of the teacher was my daughter did not understand English.

I have been putting my daughter in an English playgroup 3 days in a week in an international kindergarten since September. My maid is from the Philippines and she watches English TV all day. I am a teacher myself and I teach in English. I have to confess that my daughter understands Chinese more since I speak to her mostly in Chinese. However, I am sure that she knows some English, especially the songs. My maid also told me that she could follow the instructions given by her foreign playgroup teacher.

After interviewed by the English-speaking teacher, another teacher who spoke Chinese said "Your child seems does not understand English, what are you going to do to accommodate the pure English teaching when your daughter gets admitted?"

As a teacher myself, I would expect something like "Your child seems does not understand English. Is it because you speak only Chinese to her? If so, it will be better if you can also speak English to her since it is not enough if she only learns English at school."

I agree that I may have a high requirement due to my own profession. To me, the teachers I met are not professional.

Sorry about the long story!
Jennie | 2005-03-29 22:24
可能講者無意o既, 同埋你都見到宏福外籍老c, 唔係native o個隻, 所以我唔多鍾意讀international class.

話我個經驗你知, 我都好心急想個囡學好d 英文, 但因為我地唔係native english speaker 同埋好多時都會講中文, 咁樣原來令到個囡好confusing....所以o個屎學講野, 學得好慢同埋我覺得佢有退步.仲book o左協康會做語言評估. 結果, 當我用全中文同個女講野教佢多d 中文, 咁又學快o左好多. 好多野真係心急唔來. 我仲以為佢有自閉傾向添, 因為有時都鸚鵡式講野. 但e家我都好放心.

我同協康會d 人傾過, 佢地話佢地有7成有自閉症傾向, 係睇o左disney 美語世界, 只會不斷重複電視. 不過我又覺得因為電視係單向, 小朋友睇電視一定要有大人同佢地一邊睇一邊講, 咁自會學到...

講返宏福, international class 無廣東話堂啵, 一係英文, 一係普通話, 個普通老c 就好prof. 好北京土話風味. 但怕唔怕銜接唔到小學呀??
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