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EmilyMami | 2008-10-30 11:14
我個女已被蘇浙小學和港大同學會小學錄取,請問各位應該如何選擇? 謝謝!:handsome:
Chens | 2008-10-30 11:26
if two are accepted, I will choose 港大同學會小學, becoz of guarantee college and well facilities than KCS
EmilyMami | 2008-10-30 11:32

Thank you so much for your information. Daddy and me also intend to choose 港大同學會小學. But I want to get more information to support my desion, don't want to make the wrong desion for my daughter.
iwff | 2008-10-30 11:40

我仔仔係港同讀小一, 兩間學校好唔同類型的, 一個活動教學, 一間較傳統。雖然蘇浙小學普通話很好, 但港同都唔差的, 普遍升到小三的學生, 普通話都唔錯。學校近年在不同的公開活動都取到不錯的成績, 對新派直資小學來說係一個鼓舞。我對蘇浙小學認識唔多, 所以不想妄作評論。希望你早日有決定 , 放返其中一個學位比想讀的同學啦。


Quote:原帖由 EmilyMami 於 08-10-30 11:32 發表

Thank you so much for your information. Daddy and me also intend to choose 港大同學會小學. But I want to get more information to support my desion, don't want to make the wrong desion for my d ...
[ 本帖最後由 iwff 於 08-10-30 11:45 編輯 ]
alienova | 2008-10-30 14:02

蘇浙我有替我的女兒報了名,出名普通話及英文,功課教學都是傳統的, interview時老師都直說他們有很多功課,問有沒有問題…

EmilyMami | 2008-10-30 14:13
safarimama | 2008-10-30 16:38
hi alienova,
你有IN 蘇浙呀? 有IN 家長咩? 蘇浙都收咗我個女!蘇浙的中學派位十分好喎!Quote:原帖由 alienova 於 08-10-30 14:02 發表

蘇浙我有替我的女兒報了名,出名普通話及英文,功課教學都是傳統的, interview時老師都直說他們有很多功課,問有沒有問題…

兩間學校風格差別大,要視乎樓主希望小朋友想什麼環境下成 ...
[ 本帖最後由 safarimama 於 08-10-30 16:41 編輯 ]
GIPW | 2008-10-30 23:51
I totally understand how you feel now. I also have the same dilemma. 蘇浙小學 traditional type, high demand in homework but their chances to go to the band 1 school is very very high. Check from their last year result most of them go to really top secondary school.

港大同學會小學 proactive teaching, happy environment and most of the students like to go to school very much. The point is whether they are able to cope with the traditional school in the future is yet remain to be a big question mark ?

If you understand your kid well especially how and what they will do when they face pressure is the key factor in choosing the right shcool for them. Some kids need close guidiance. if you give reasonable pressure to them they will perform very well. Especially most of the comments on traditional school is they give a good knowledge foundation to build themselves in the future. A bit like most of the locals when they study overseas they can bit quite a no of people easily.

But to some kids, when they face pressure, they will choose to run away, the obviously the traditional school does not suit them as you might no want them to scare of going to school. However with no pressure from studying, they might not treat schooling too seriously.

My headache is I have no idea how my girl will react when she face pressure - fight harder or run away. I am still in the middle of the cross section.

Traditional or proactive ??
GIPW | 2008-10-30 23:53
BTW, for those who have been admitted by 蘇浙小學, did you applied for that school or you are currently K3 students?
anniehong0918 | 2008-10-30 23:54

Quote:原帖由 iwff 於 08-10-30 11:40 發表

我仔仔係港同讀小一, 兩間學校好唔同類型的, 一個活動教學, 一間較傳統。雖然蘇浙小學普通話很好, 但港同都唔差的, 普遍升到小三的學生, 普通話都唔錯。學校近年在不同的公開活動都取到不錯的成績, 對新 ...

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