Jolly Kingdom Shatin Centre 4人同行永久85折

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Charlottebee | 2009-07-24 10:53
我的小朋友現已讀緊沙田Centre的課程, 但原來Jolly並不接受舊學生一同報名有折扣,只接受舊學生介紹新學生先有85折.
請問有沒有想報讀而準備報名的媽咪, 可以join埋一齊.
可email me at [email protected]
esther_lam_ny | 2009-07-24 18:27
is it you would get 15% discount, or you and the one join will also have discount?
Charlottebee | 2009-07-27 15:19
Quote:原帖由 esther_lam_ny 於 09-7-24 18:27 發表
is it you would get 15% discount, or you and the one join will also have discount?

是4個人同時有85折, 但一定要4個人齊報名先得, 只有3個人報都未得, 要等到第4個都報埋名就可以. 不過4個人可以响唔同centre報名都得.
joeywongmy | 2009-07-29 08:51
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karynmom | 2009-08-27 15:19
i am interested too... pls PM me


Quote:原帖由 Charlottebee 於 09-7-27 15:19 發表

是4個人同時有85折, 但一定要4個人齊報名先得, 只有3個人報都未得, 要等到第4個都報埋名就可以. 不過4個人可以响唔同centre報名都得.

lmak | 2009-08-28 14:34
我今個sunday (30/8)去沙田個間聽講座及亞仔做assessment, 如果覺得好都會想報名,要有4個會報名便有85折,你地有無興趣?如果係我地可以夾埋一齊啦!

Quote:原帖由 karynmom 於 09-8-27 15:19 發表
i am interested too... pls PM me


cathy128 | 2009-09-03 12:21

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我都想幫我小朋友報JOLLY PHONICS,未學過,如可享有折扣請PM