Box Hill 中文能否銜接本地小學

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candybread | 2015-11-26 13:38
想問問各位,Box Hill N 班有無中文學﹖如果由N班讀到K3,小朋友既中文水平會唔會銜接唔到本地小學呀﹖
janicy | 2015-12-03 12:48
有, they actually use the same books as other kindergarten with lots of extended learning books too. I found their Chinese syllabus is very well organised. My daughter is in K1 and when comparing with the teaching materials with a few of my friends' kids from local kindergartens, I think boxhill has taught more than the others.
huggiesbb | 2015-12-03 19:51
Quote:原帖由 janicy 於 15-12-03 發表
有, they actually use the same books as other kindergarten with lots of extended learning books too. ...
請問你邊間boxhill? k1有功課嘛? 除學費同雜費 有冇書簿費同茶點費? Thanks!!

IJK_SUN | 2015-12-04 08:26
I also want to know too!

We are struggling between local PN or International PN, while have concern if International PN would be an obstacle when going interview for local K...
In long term, we go for local primary. But wish our kid can speak better English.
huggiesbb | 2015-12-04 19:55
Quote:原帖由 janicy 於 15-12-03 發表
有, they actually use the same books as other kindergarten with lots of extended learning books too. ...
除功課外 想問下k1有冇書本?每科有?MAny thanks!

janicy | 2015-12-08 08:59
回覆 huggiesbb 的帖子 School fee and miscellaneous fees only. Homework are given on Fridays. Line drawing and reading books to be handed in on Wednesdays.
janicy | 2015-12-08 09:02

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回覆 huggiesbb 的帖子 Chinese books and mandarin books. I think there are four tobfive books that has been taught already. For English is reading book only. Math is class activity book. There is alsoba folder for music,got information on what they are learning in school and things u can do at home.