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huggiesbb | 2015-12-05 15:11
有冇boxhill k1家長? 可否share下每日有功課嘛?每科有書本? 謝謝解答!因小朋友pn 都幾喜歡此校 希望上埋k.但怕課程太簡單第時入官津小一跟得辛苦

VERACHAN | 2015-12-05 16:49
如果有k2&k3更好,我都係下年pn 今日去比左留位費,個人都喜歡呢間學校,都想亞女讀到k3

janicy | 2015-12-08 08:57

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回覆 huggiesbb 的帖子 My daughter is in K1,I don't find the stuff she learn is easy. It is just a different way of learning. For the first term,she has been learning many topics like the animal habitats. She can now recognise many Chinese characters. We never teach to about the words at home but would read books with her.
They get homework on Fridays only. A few line drawing practice and one or two reading books. There is also a home activity that is optional for submission.