Strategy get into hot professional programs in the University

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HarryPotter | 2012-06-25 17:32
回復 Shootastar 的帖子 So will he get the PG first and then apply?! He's now in Year 11, not in IB yet. Thanks again!
HarryPotter | 2012-06-25 17:33
回復 Shootastar 的帖子 May I know is 41 out of 42 or 41 out of 45?
babysweetheart | 2012-06-25 18:09
請問各位知否HKU, CU & UST Environment Science PG要幾多先至可以有offer?
Shootastar | 2012-06-26 00:19
回復 HarryPotter 的帖子 I mean 41 out of 45. You can check the usual offers from the websites of the universities concerned.
Shootastar | 2012-06-26 00:22
回復 HarryPotter 的帖子 If your kid will study IB in grade 12, normally, he will receive his PG by the end of Grade 12 but some school may issue the PG in Grade 13 after the first test or so.

The deadline for Oxbridge application is 15 October and the deadline for other colleges is later. In any case, you will have the PG for reference before you submit your UCAS applications. As I said, you can check the terms of the offers from the universities concerned from their websites.

ANChan59 | 2012-06-26 05:18
回復 Shootastar 的帖子 Shootastar & Harryporter

For local DSS schools, they only have grade 12, so G11's final exam result may lead to PG instead of G12. pls take it into consideration.

HarryPotter | 2012-07-03 23:00
回復 ANChan59 的帖子 Hi Parents,My kid is going to choose his IB subjects; he wants to study history and psychology, however, the school doesn't allow two subjects in the same group, he may need to choose film study or ICT, do you know whether IB subjects will affect his choice of Law in the University?? Is Film study not good for applying Law? How can I check it from the Uni??
Thanks for your help.

ANChan59 | 2012-07-03 23:09
回復 HarryPotter 的帖子 Pls refer to this blog, more related to UK Universities.
A Rough Guide to Sensible Combinations

HarryPotter | 2012-07-04 08:14
回復 ANChan59 的帖子 Thanks for the link.
Shootastar | 2012-07-04 11:26
回復 HarryPotter 的帖子 I would suggest that History is included in the curriculum. 4 years ago, my son together with 4 other classmates applied to the same college (law). Although my son's result was the weakest amongst them, the college only gave a conditional offer to my son. The difference between them was the fact that only my son took History and the other four did not.

This year, my daughter together with 4 other classmates applied to MBBS to CU and HKU. They were top students in the class. However, only 2 of them (including my daughter) obtained offers from CU and HKU. I also notice that the two successful guys took History in the public examination.

Based on these 2 incidents, I feel the the hot programme of CU and HKU would like the candidates to challenge themselves by taking History, no matter they are from science or arts stream. History can prove to the admission offers that you have the ability to read substantively, think critically, articulate the arguments coherently and good language skills. Such skills are useful no matter you study BBA Law or MBBS.

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