mattsmum | 2010-07-04 14:31 |
would he take english A1 as group 1 language or chinese A1 as group 1? what about his group 2 language? english A2 or english B? this is a hot discussion topic. |
ANChan59 | 2010-07-04 14:36 |
ANChan59 | 2010-07-04 14:53 |
mattsmum | 2010-07-04 22:33 |
That is my confusion too, Lanuage A1 has lit.component and is considered not easy,china's IB student would take Chinese A1 as group one language, that is easy for them, hK's IS students would likely take eng as group1 language, then depends on their ability, those chinese student might take language a2 or b, But local school IB student, what Language would they take for group 1- if it is English - you need to have literature back group, how many of these students are so good?if it is cinese, it is also difficult for hk students, I asked this question in some seminars, they told me to wait because there were revision to syllibus for Chinese , they said. [ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 10-7-4 22:42 編輯 ] |
ZZdaphne | 2010-07-11 14:02 |
NSS IBDP I did some research on LPCUWC and some ESF and IS schools' university admission results in the last few years IB can be one fits all except some US universities may need SAT or other exam to prove your English proficiency JUPAS. 「聯招」 Non-JUPAS「非聯招」total number = EAS(拔尖) + GCE AL (英國高考)+ IB + HD + AD + Mature students + Others EAS Also, 3 extra points on TOK and EE in CA. ESF schools also have IB stream in KG5, IS, WIS etc. FIS CIS RC 耀中 都能找到IB成绩. ------------------------------------------ ANChan59或各位: 可否將上述的簡稱用中文註釋, 讓家長們明白多些, 謝謝你們寶貴的資料和分享. :funny: :funny: [ 本帖最後由 ZZdaphne 於 10-7-11 14:05 編輯 ] |
ANChan59 | 2010-07-11 18:27 |
ZZdaphne | 2010-07-11 18:47 |
Quote:原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-7-11 18:27 發表 版主,我盡力而為。 我以為有興趣者會對那些簡稱明白,忽略其他讀者初接觸時會有少少困難。我會以後留意,謝謝提醒。 因為曾經有家長pm問過IB課程, 你們的文章有很好的資料, 值得細讀. 謝謝你的幫忙. |
ANChan59 | 2010-07-16 09:18 |
Just an update of my son's final decision: He goes for Pre-IB (國際課程預備班) and then IBDP, even he can go to pure or mixed science streams. His rationales are: 1. Elite students go for mixed stream like Phy + Chem + Econ; Chem + Bio + Econ. For electives, very similar to IB's combination. This year, top 3 students and most top 30 students opt for IB; 2. After one year Pre-IB, he can see Pre-IB students progress and mindset for studying and getting into university is better than most NSS students. Even the principal reminded the parents, the NSS exam result will be declined as most students too lay back; 3. His seniors feedback on IB is better than NSS - Teacher quality and experience, training, predicted grades and self-confidence; and 4. He has positive feeling of IB teachers during the interview, they appreciated his creativity and exposures. The first time in the school.:victory: He needs to workhard finally to ensure the score 38+. He will go for first degree in HK through non-JUPAS and may be postgraduate to overseas. Gain more overseas exposures through internship (實習), volunteer services (義務工作) and exchange programs (交流計劃) in undergraduate program. [ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-1-17 10:28 編輯 ] |
mattsmum | 2010-07-16 23:27 |
"can go to pure or mixed science streams." what does this mean? |
ANChan59 | 2010-07-17 10:48 |