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ANChan59 | 2012-11-22 15:10
Why universities biased non-JUPAS?
In another post, a parent raised the above question, here is my replies.

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/red ... o=lastpost#lastpost

Some observations on your cases:

1. I agreed some IB students may not be the cream of the cream before IBDP, my son may be an example. But IBDP has totally different approach for studying, not like HKDSE / NSS. Some students may be more suitable in IB and perform much better in studying and examination format and achieve better grades. My son's progress in IB may overtake some friends who perform better than him in G7-9 in the same school. In the IB admission of my son's school, some students were recommended to stick to NSS by the IB coordinator, as they will perform much better in HKDSE.

2. IBDP is more demanding in learning process; I can witness my boy's work load and the quality of outputs. He finished Pre-IB last year and IBDP yr 1 around 2 months, he needs to work long hours for homework (I review his homework, most of them are meaningful and not repetitive drilling exercise.)and more quiz and progress test.... relative to NSS friends in the same grade & school, their progress much faster than NSS.

"Who move the cheese?"..........

3. In the program, they need to do commentaries, critique, oral presentation, group projects, CAS, TOK, EE.......... Student profile - learn how to learn, inquirer, critical thinking, creativity..... They are nurturing very similar to university students, but in high school. They have higher self-esteem and self confidence and more comfortable in interviews. If I were a professor, similar results, I will take IB students.

4. GCE-AL may be another stories, most of them are studying in UK due to whatever reasons (We may think some of them are the kids of our dear civil servants.....). The standard may be even lower than HKDSE. I can't believe 12% student got A in GCE-AL....... Now, more and more UK boarding and private schools changed to IB schools. Unfortunately, some professors' view on GCE-AL not aligns with reality.

5. I chatted with a few professors from business & medical schools, they ranked the academic results in descending order like this:
so more drop outs are from:

6. 知恥近乎勇 - if there is a choice, most parents and kids prefer to study in HK. Of course, some kids are very outstanding and study in feeder schools. But most of them due to relative poorer academic results or other problems. After changing to a new environment, the kid may have a chance to rethink and reshape himself due to teachers, new peer groups and more positive learning environment.....

7. Even more mature students also understand the financial burden to their families, get better grades and through non-JUPAS get back to local universities, can help them to save HK$400-500k per year. I won't say its unfair if their results is comparable to other qualified kids.
ANChan59 | 2012-11-22 15:10
[i=s] 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 12-11-24 23:14 編輯 [/i] 有不少家長在 EK 或者 PM 我在新高中或 IB如何選科,不同家長有不同重點,例如興趣行先、搵食行先,任他自由發揮........... 我唔敢講我既做法係最好,只是分享前幾年我對兒子找興趣及中學及大學選擇科目的一些方法,只是拋磚引玉,歡迎討論。

1。擴闊視野 ( Exposure ) - 從P5以後,我帶他參觀工廠,包括香港及中國,不同的辦公室/工作環境,參觀了大學,看到他們的研究成果,商業午餐和晚餐。沒有具體的目標,只是單純的擴闊視野 ....

2。企業實習 (Internship) - 商業,研究,觀察......如私家醫院與公立醫院,家庭醫學和外科....教學與研究......香港大學 - 香港理工大學與 - 香港中文大學 ....

3。強項與興趣 (Strength vs Interest) - 他的數學實力出眾,但他不會選讀純數學或理科,他很感興趣是與數字和模式(model) 高度相關的經濟和金融。他喜歡玩電腦,但他不會學習IT(軟件或硬件)或把它作為職業......

4。經驗分享 (Experience Sharing) - 一旦他確定了一些有興趣的領域,我們安排 一些聚會或電話會談,“圍內人” 跟他探討利弊........ “圍內人” 都有意見分歧,他要驗證和縮小他的選項。起初,他對藥劑感興趣,跟兩個 “圍內人” 談話後,他轉投醫科......香港在可見將來唔會行"醫藥分家",藥劑始終是二奶仔......

5。淘汰 (Elimination) - 大多數孩子都不知道何去何從,但他們可以告訴我們家長不想讀的科目及將來的工作或事業........他淘汰的原因可能不一定合理,只是憑直覺或錯誤的信息所誤導......(經典例子是同時間讀 IB + HKDSE.......)


一旦收窄他的職業選擇,要參加大學的收生研討會,參考入學要求(語言,通用和專用要求),跟老師及升學輔導主任商量........關鍵是在 F4 前挑選合適的高中及大學科目和明瞭大學的入學成績。

無論我們怎樣努力,還是有差距......這就是他需要在F4 - F6之間提升自己的成績及能力。

ANChan59 | 2012-11-22 15:11
在過往幾個月,有家長問到怎樣的孩子較適合讀 IBDP,包括能力及性格。我嘗試在網上尋找,但搵唔到答案。我都想嘗試去答這個問題,可惜經驗尚淺,小兒都未完成IBDP,成績及成效未知,大學出路未落實,在香港一些較現實的家長而言,我覺得我的分享欠缺少少說服力。

因此,向小兒請教這有趣的"揣測性問題" (Speculative Question),他提供了一些意見作參考:

1。他認為所有學生都可以在 IB 生存,輕易取得到24分,順利取得IBDP,可能比香港中學文憑試更容易。因為課程成熟及如果懂得選科,懂避重就輕就迎刃而解。這樣他們就可以放鬆學習或 HEA.... (哈,這就是為什麼香港科技大學只接受學生實際 IBDP 得分在30+。他的言論對在一般情況下的 IB 課程,具體不是他學校的實際情況。)。在IBDP 中取得高的分數(35+)是真正的挑戰,只要認真想想核心模塊,TOK,EE 與 CAS...

2。至於中上的中、英文語言能力及水平,加上良好的電腦技能,就算理科及數學稍遜,還可以在 IB做得很好。但你的語文能力薄弱,尤其是英語,計算機技能差,就算你的數學和科學科目是優異,你可以在 IB 生存和在 IBDP 通過考試,但較難取得優異成績。 在IB 學制之下,語文能力比較數理能力更重要。

3。廣泛的閱讀和寫作能力是基本的學習技能;演示技能,批判性思維和分析,可以通過學習和實踐獲得,一年的 Pre-IB十分有效。

4。在學習和 同時處理多種任務 (Multi-tasking) 的效率是十分 關鍵 ,如果可以少花時間多辦事是十分有利。做事太慢,效率較低,時間管理差,學習影響會好大。

5。以開放的心態和容易接受老師和同學的建設性批評 及反饋意見。這方面LPCUWC,IS及ESF做得唔錯,一般新DSS, IB要急起直追。

6。 強烈的學習動機和願意學習是內在動力做好 IB學者,缺乏這個,你不能做好任何課程。

7。 對跨文化,創新,態度,環境的關係 有強烈的好奇心.......

************************************************** ***********

他的看法和意見可能不是我們認同的答案,但 學生自己是一個關鍵的持分者,從另一個角度反映他們的觀點 ......

ivankan | 2012-11-22 20:27
thanks a lot
Shootastar | 2012-11-23 11:31
回復 ivankan 的帖子 Wonderful explanation on IB.

I would encourage each parent to read the posts thoroughly in order to have a deep understanding on IB program.

Chau444 | 2012-11-23 16:49
真是一篇很好的分享, 希望多一些對選擇活動教育vs傳統教育, 或是國際學校vs本地學校的家長能夠看到您這篇分析討論, 為小朋友選擇一個最合適的學習模式.

當初我為小朋友選擇小學時, 挑選了一間強調雙語教學, 高中行IB一條龍的學校. 但是到了小四時, 我發現小朋友的性格及其學習模式未必適合讀IB課程, 所以小五時毅然轉讀傳統學校, 今年小朋友剛升中一.

我很同意您公子對怎樣的孩子較適合讀 IBDP的分析, IBDP相對DSE對學生的要求是更高, 學生更要有自主學習的能力, 具備跳躍式, 批判及邏輯性的思維, 同時又要有十分良好的語文能力才能取得好分數.

有時我很怕聽到一些家長選擇國際學校或是活動教學的原因, 是因為小朋友唔願做功課, 不想破壞關係. 如果到最後這些家長真是不介意小朋友最終的考試分數, 當然OK, 否則以為花錢讀國際學校便是靈丹妙藥, 最終可能反而誤了小朋友的前途.
ANChan59 | 2012-11-23 16:52
回復 Chau444 的帖子 Thanks for your sharing.
Shootastar | 2012-11-23 17:57
回復 Chau444 的帖子 I can't agree with you more.

Shootastar | 2012-11-23 17:58
回復 ANChan59 的帖子 Wonderful explanation on IB.

I would encourage each parent to read the posts thoroughly in order to have a deep understanding on IB program.

HKTHK | 2012-11-23 19:23
Thank you for the explanation
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