kym | 2011-11-08 16:20 |
節錄自明報 報讀IB國際文憑課程的學生,可享受大學優先取錄及學分豁免等待遇。港大和中大表示,今年首度推出非聯招生「優先取錄」計劃,搶先於年底取錄IB和GCE ALevel(英國高考)尖子。另有6間大學會為IB等其他學歷的申請人提供學分豁免,可較文憑試生提早1年畢業。 港大和中大發言人表示,優先取錄計劃是為了讓優秀的非聯招申請人,適時作出入學決定。大學會按申請人的學業及其他表現,於年底前決定取錄或有條件取錄,較以往取錄非聯招生的程序提早約2、3個月;港大的計劃更不設名額上限,申請人如確認取錄,須繳交2萬元留位費。 明年是「雙班年」,各間大學表示,本港IB生將入讀3年制課程,其他國家的非聯招申請者則視乎情况讀3年或4年課程。到2013年全面轉制後,除科大、浸大未提供資料,本報獲悉,其餘6所資助院校均有意為持其他學歷、而成績合乎資格的申請人,提供學分豁免。其中,港大、中大及理大的學分豁免額,相當於畢業要求的四分一,意味部分非聯招生,將較同齡文憑試生提早1年畢業。 根據教育局數字,本港八大近年取錄的非聯招生中,持IB、GCE ALevel成績者比例呈上升趨勢,由2008/09年的12.2%上升至2010/11年的17.3%,人數則由505躍升至760,顯示有關學歷具高競爭力。八大招收非聯招生學額約佔總學額15%至20%, 但個別院系取錄非聯招生的比例較高 。 |
ANChan59 | 2011-11-08 16:54 |
I talked to two admission officers in HKUST, they will offer credits to relevant subjects that the students got 6,7 at HL. That's common practice in UK and US universities for IB students. Particular in US, most university treat IB as AP. ******************** I like your way of handling, not just cut and paste, which may be infringement of copyright. |
slamai | 2011-11-08 18:33 |
ANChan59 | 2011-11-08 18:59 |
slamai Thanks for your elaboration and answer my query. I agreed with your observations and remarks. In your reply, why you stated this "When I refer to ‘traditional education’, it does not necessarily mean that of a typical local school nowadays which has been very much distorted from the role of ‘education’. " I guess you try to elaborate in a more subtle way and I can't fully understand your meaning. ANChan59 [ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-11-8 19:01 編輯 ] |
kym | 2011-11-09 12:11 |
ANChan59 | 2011-11-09 13:05 |
kym | 2011-11-09 17:01 |
Let say if my son do Eng, Hist, Econ in HL and got into UST BBA. I could imagine they would only award credits to 1st year econ classes. That would not make up half semester credits. |
ANChan59 | 2011-11-09 17:22 |
slamai | 2011-11-09 18:47 |
I would benchmark the 'traditional' education as that prevalent in the years more than two decades ago when the education system in Hong Kong worked pretty well. The distortion I referred to may be symbolically illustrated by Prof Cheng's Fig. 3 on p.10 (the shift to Quadrant II) and Table 1 on p.11 (the shift to Roles 8 to 10) of his article below: 香港教育的明天: 改革與教學 Quote:原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-11-8 18:59 發表 slamai Thanks for your elaboration and answer my query. I agreed with your observations and remarks. In your reply, why you stated this "When I refer to ‘traditional education’, it does not neces ... |
slamai | 2011-11-09 19:09 |
ANChan59: You may take a look at the following post: It is interesting that [李家琳]已透過「優先取錄」計劃報考中大醫學院及港大法律學院。 My understanding on her choices is that medicine and law cannot be the backup of each other (in the application of a particular university) due to keen competition and a non-JUPAS applicant only submits one personal statement for each university application even though s/he has at least 3 choices. Quote:原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-11-7 14:20 發表 武航 "Would you please elaborate more on your "expectation management" ?" My son will have a wider range of choices of program to fit in different PG or actual grades, which he prefers and intereste ... |