riccichu | 2012-03-03 12:52 |
I forgot the line [url]http://www.dbs.edu.hk/datafiles/attachment/779/University%20Offers%20as%20of%2017%20February%202012.pdf |
ANChan59 | 2012-03-03 13:06 |
回復 riccichu 的帖子
All HK offers are conditional offers, but some said conditional offers just equivalent to unconditional offers, very reasonable. Offers from UK are conditional, North American universities offers are unconditional. You can make an appointment with your son's IB adviser, and or university counselor (Leo Zen), they can share more details with you. |
riccichu | 2012-03-03 14:34 |
ANChan59, thanks for your info. I will make an appointment later. Somtimes I worry that I don't know how to ask because i don't have much info about this issue. I have to update my knowledge thor' this forum. Very useful, thanks a lot! |
火柴 | 2012-03-04 02:00 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 火柴 於 12-3-4 02:10 編輯 [/i]
回復 ANChan59 的帖子 哈哈, 我都可以好開心可以同你地分享拎多d意見.唔怪得之校長同我講岩岩入到hku個d全部本身都係天才. 佢話就算比我爆哂都好佢估我最多得30分左右. 36都好難. 雖然local u 好多都looking for international students. 但係如果考唔掂dse外國又點會有大學收呢, 最多會放去foundation. 如果考美國d大學好多都要sat score. 反而我呢一級d同學10個有9個都簡ib, 簡dse個d都係冇乜打算個d/fail左myp/少數好似我咁簡local u. 最得人驚係成個house得我一個係dse.....雖然我唔會拎到myp certificate因為插班, 同埋聽人話我成績表最多得幾分因為插班. 岩岩過去個星期5老師叫我唔洗prepare就咁試下做oral, 睇下我程度係邊. 係十五分鐘比我諗下有咩講之下, 我只拎到5-4/8, 當堂灰哂. 佢話如果我本身有跟開佢地又做返d research會去到7-8. 如果take dse我只怕收生唔嚴既local u 都冇得比我入. 其實我都有d驚dse, 因為我中二開始讀國際學校, 讀左兩年半到而家岩岩先轉左入去, 所以簡既科目最多可以簡science, 其他business 個d我都唔可以簡. 咁多科我最怕中文, 因為我冇讀中文兩年半好多字/詞語都唔記得哂點寫. 校考長睇過我d英文, 佢話我都係似返香港d水平. 所以叫我簡返dse. 我轉到入去呢間中學因為我最近個張成績表係一路自修dse, 顧學校d野拎到1a, 3b+, 2c, 1d, gpa 2.7(得2.7都收我真係好彩). 其實我都明, 因為我之前讀國際學校個陣時冇乜努力去搞好英文, 背完d生字做完test都唔會再記住, 小說一年睇得一兩本, 有唔明既字唔去查. 而家大個左都覺得學英文冇shortcut, 我而家開始係咁讀係咁查英文, sat書都買埋(係唔係都要考, 唔想浪費之前讀國際學校既時間), 可惜而家我覺得太遲, 唯有盡量. 我估我英文最多得4, dse加上要同d名校band 1爭, 香港都唔少band 1學校. 其實如果讀ib我會簡esf個d, 因為佢地起碼有經驗. 但係我慘到考唔入. 之前屋企人叫我去外國讀書但我唔去, 因為我認我無知, 好多人想去都冇得去,因為我唔知有咩得著 :S 屋企人話大個出黎做野多數會請外國讀既返黎, 3大個d出到黎都未必搵到野做bor. 可能一舊舊請見諒>< anyway thanks ANChan59 :) |
ANChan59 | 2012-03-04 16:03 |
回復 火柴 的帖子
It's my pleasure to read your sharing, you know what you are doing and your weakness, it's a good start. Can you list out your action plan and goals for coming term for yourself? I guess you can improve a lot academically in both Chinese and English, then make your final decision in July. |
ANChan59 | 2012-03-05 09:58 |
回復 riccichu 的帖子
Work out the questions you want to ask with your boy, get him heavily involve before meeting with the adviser. Encourage him to chat with seniors, he can get views from students angle, which also very useful and reviewing. |
riccichu | 2012-03-05 17:15 |
回復 ANChan59 的帖子
thanks for your suggeestion. My son seems to be very passive. He seldoms look for more information that he needs. Seldom share his future with others. I don't know if he would talk to the senior boys in the school. I think it's totally different from your son. I get only a little from him about his school life. However, he recently told me that he aims for LAW Faculty of HKU but nothing to do with that.Ha Ha..... As a father, from now, I have to work with him and encourage him what he should perpare now. His score is above the average but i am not sure his ability in the interview "LAW" is the same. I've watched the admission talk of last year "HKU Law Faculty" which was post by you. It's very useful and of course I will share the info with my son. I would like to share more with you and I will keep updating my info. And how's your son's progress? |
ANChan59 | 2012-03-05 18:16 |
回復 riccichu 的帖子
Riccichu Our sons may not want us to talk about their details here, I will reply to you in PM. ANChan59 |
kym | 2012-03-06 15:14 |
Read the DBS University offers. Not bad for the first batch of the IB student, I would be very happy if my son can get in anyone of the two LSE econ, NYU business.:iloveit: |
ANChan59 | 2012-03-11 01:55 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 12-3-13 00:12 編輯 [/i]
回復 kym 的帖子 He also considers local universities as well??? |