ANChan59 | 2012-05-12 23:53 |
回復 火柴 的帖子
Hi, nice to see you around, how's your preparation for exam? 其實美國d大學係唔係多數都會叫你考埋SAT就算係IB都好? (Yes, correct) 同埋好似淨係睇HL exam score? (In US, not necessary, most students got firm offers based on SAT only, and no need to sit for IBDP. Some got the offer but still want to finish the IBDP first. US universities consider HL as equivalent to AP) 仲要全部5-7 minimum requirement (That's for credit recognition only, just like AP.). DSE係美國都有承認但唔多. (Yes, takes time.) 講真HL要5-7真係唔容易 (Yes, correct.) |
Shootastar | 2012-05-21 12:07 |
回復 火柴 的帖子
If you have read the annual statistic bulletin, you will find that it is not difficult to obtain a score 5 to 7 in each subject. Roughly, more than 50% of the candidates obtained score 5 to 7 no matter it is a higher level subject or a standard level subject. If we talk about score to 6 to 7, it is sitll between 20% plus or minus. That is why most of the elite colleges in US would only give college credit to a score of 6 or 7 only. |
ANChan59 | 2012-05-26 07:50 |
回復 Shootastar 的帖子
Just curiosity, AP pass can get credit or also need merit or distinction? What's the passing mark for AP? Do you know the score boundaries of IB grading. For IB, I have different observation, if most IBers are above average students in most countries, even so so students may go for overseas high schools or other curriculum. So better chance for better grades is reasonable. Of course, we have more IB schools in HK, the standard is diversified, we can see more clearly in coming years, |
Shootastar | 2012-05-26 10:58 |
回復 ANChan59 的帖子
As you are aware, unofficially there are 2 groups of AP subjects someone calls them as Group A and Group B subjects. Briefly speaking, Group A subjects consist of Phy, Chem, Bio, Calculus, all history subjects and all foreign languages. The other AP subjects are grouped as Group B subjects. Depending on the policy of each colleges, not all AP subjects are recognised for credit purpose.Most of the colleges of ranking 1 to 25 would give credit to Score 4 or 5 of Group A subjects only. If you get a 4, then probably, you would have half credit only. You can go to AP Central to check the data on the grades ( ). You can also find out the boundary for each Grade by checking the subjects information..For the time being, they post the boundaries for 2 years, the most recent one is 2008 or 2009 (depending on individual subjects). If you cannot find out the same, please let me know so that I can post the link for the subject you are interested here. The percentage of a score 5 ranges between 10% to 20% in most sujbec, with the history being of the less percentage. For Physics and Calculus, the percentage of score 5 is between 30 to 45%. The high percentage may be due to the fact that they are self-serving pools. Only the most able students would take those 2 subjects. I have no information about the grade boundary of IB subjects. But the percentage of score 6 to 7 for each subject is above 20 to 25%, I think an IB 6 or 7 is equivalent to AP 5. However, some of the Ivies would give credit to IB Grade 7 only. |
ANChan59 | 2012-05-26 11:35 |
回復 Shootastar 的帖子
Thanks for your detail explanation and I am just so so in US system. My son even got credit in Maths only from EPGY, it's a bonus and not our focus. For IB score boundary, the detail info of most subjects are as follow: According to my son's personal experience, AP Maths is easier than HL Maths in IB for the top grade. Unfortunately, IB is not a national exam, so the treatment just like our HKALE, need 120% achievement and get 100% recognition from overseas universities. Lucky enough, my son study IB for better education and then better universities, not the opposite way. He focuses on local universities and then UK top universities, further will be US universities. I guess his chance for Ivy League is slim, reasonable top universities with firm offers as back up to wait for IBDP results for conditional offers. Thanks again. |
Shootastar | 2012-05-26 12:22 |
回復 ANChan59 的帖子
Thank you for your sharing of the IB situation. No matter what system one's son or daughter takes, it is extremely diffcult to get into an elite US colleges (ranking 1 to 20) if he is not an US citizen or holding a green card. I agree with you the strategy that your son focuses on local universities and then UK colleges. Unless he is interested in joining an i-bank, the employment opportunity is more or less the same whether he graduates from a local university or a UK university (so long as he obtains a good honour degree - meaning mid 2:1 or above). My son chose to study in UK for a law degree and now is doing his PCLL at one of the local institution. He would join a medium size firm as a trainee this summer. He did not choose to study in US. I think he was right because many of his good friends choosing to study in the US applied for the JD this year. Although my daughter has been admitted to a top US college (not top top top), she still hopes to study in HK or UK if her examination result is good enought to meet the offer. Her top choice is still studying in HK. |
cchristieee | 2012-06-03 20:47 |
May send me private messages for more information about IBDP (fresh graduate), e.g. personal and friends' opinion on the programme as well as the pros and cons of the two systems, IB and NSS. May also ask for more information about university application processes and acceptance to local and overseas universities. |
ANChan59 | 2012-06-26 06:09 |
In recent weeks, I received plenty good news from some parents that their kids are received conditional offers for IBDP from DBS through PM. I can see the entry requirement is getting higher and higher...... So kids need to work harder to secure a place. Just for your info, even you are very very top current schools, in IBDP and DBS, you need time to settle and adapt the new learning environment and methodology, so be parltience. |
marisayg | 2012-07-12 09:50 |
回復 ANChan59 的帖子
【經濟日報專訊】國際預科文憑(IB、International Baccalaureate)上周五放榜,首年有學生應考的拔萃男書院,平均分達38分,高於全球平均29.83分;一人考得45分滿分,獲美國普林斯頓大學取錄,6成考獲入讀劍橋、牛津大學基本要求的38分或以上。 校方表示,IB課程重視學習動機,要求學生自律及妥善管理時間,坦言有成績優秀但學習性向不符的學生,會被拒諸門外。全球IB考生今年平均分為29.83分,比去年低2.07分,僅約0.2%考生考獲45分滿分;33名男拔的首屆IB學生,平均考得38分,其中45分狀元沃澤鈞將赴美國普林斯頓大學攻讀經濟及金融,考獲44分的劉劻昀及何慶達,則分別於中文大學及香港大學攻讀醫科。 創意批判主動 取錄關鍵 9月上任男拔校長的現任副校長鄭基恩昨表示,對首屆IB學生成績感滿意,指學生的主動性及老師投入教學為培育狀元關鍵;他稱,25人的教學團隊中,一半為外籍教師,擴闊學生國際視野,亦有助學生考取好成績。 鄭基恩稱,不能比較本地新高中課程或IB課程,哪個對升學前景更有利,學生選課程應視乎其學習動機及升學意向,而校內老師會就學生的性格特質作建議;而學術成績並非校方取錄IB課程學生主要考慮,其主動性、創意及批判思考能力才是關鍵。 男拔經濟科教師兼訓導主任胡家麟解釋,學生學習動機非常重要,除了6科應考學科外,學生亦要兼顧課程鼓勵創意及社會服務的課外活動(CAS,即Creativity, Action, Service)部分,以及撰寫知識理論(TOK,即Theory Of Knowledge)論文,必須主動、自律及妥善管理時間。 他直言,有成績優秀學生報讀IB,但學習性向並不符合,都被校方拒諸門外。 棄填鴨教育 赴笈拓眼界 滿分狀元沃澤鈞稱,IB課程的老師會教導自己撰寫報考海外大學的個人簡歷,有助海外升學;考獲43分的羅元暉亦認為,本地教育制度較着重背誦,部分學生難在填鴨制度下覓得出路。 個性外向、喜愛參加課外活動的羅憶述,中一時老師曾根據本地課程教他以英文作文,必須背誦「小明要於某一處境下做某些事」,他質疑小明為何一定要這樣,其後他寫自己想寫的文章,終考不到好成績,一度被勸告放棄課外活動。 最後,他根據性向報讀IB課程,認為課程容許學生有個人觀點,亦能繼續參加不同課外活動。羅元暉如今獲倫敦大學學院法律系取錄,經深思熟慮後,他認為自己最想修讀的還是國際關係,現決定先休學一年,到歐洲各地考察政治體制,再報讀相關課程。 |
ANChan59 | 2012-08-28 09:21 |
Mighty 發表於 12-8-21 13:24 其実想一想、DBS大家都知道是本地名校、圧力大、会谷、反観ESF学校、学生都是比較HEA下HEA下的、BUT成績都 ... ****************** 事實上學校未必好谷,反而學生自己及家長會緊張些,部分期望入名牌大學及學科,我可能是其中一個家長。 我不想比較誰谷誰hea, 因為各人樣本不同,難以比較,無謂口水戰。反而従實際的角度看lB。 我識得的朋友,如果有孩子讀lBDP,每人都說十分辛苦及有挑戰性,不論是LPC,IS,ESF或DSS學校,所以hea是較困難,如果是天才,又當別論。小兒讀了一年lB預備班,及完成lBDP第一年,因為功課量及多完化,老師的要求配合lBO的理念,用在功課時間是多了,睡眠時間少了,交功課時間較複雜,所以時間管理是明顯進步了。 在DBS,所有學生都可以選lB及NSS,學生在面試時已知道功課是不少,要求亦高,不要以為比NSS輕鬆。部分考試精明的學生不一定選lB。 語文訓練方面,我十分慶幸小兒在相對略低水平,在老師諄諄教導下,進步十分鼓舞,令我們看到合適環境及師訓下,小班教學是有果效的。 老師挑戰他們的觀點,讓他們的視野拉闊,明白不同文化背景對同一事件的不同角度;學懂欣賞及尊重其他人的觀點,學識如何善意批評或給同學的正確反饋。 我看到學生的豐盛得著,遠超於38。 ------------ Some reflections from another thread. |