334 English

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Chip_n_dale | 2009-06-24 21:44
my son is going to study at F.4. I am so worried about his English. dont know what can be done to prepare him for the new syllabus.

Parents, what will you do to help your kids? any tutorial schools recommended??

cant even sleep at night.............. [ 本帖最後由 Chip_n_dale 於 09-6-24 21:45 編輯 ]
*~heARt~ | 2009-07-01 19:47

我仔在一間專幫高中學生補英文及數理科, 它是由前中學老師補習, 都好有幫助.

你試吓啦, 它最近搬到官塘.
allymcbeal | 2009-07-17 14:15

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Dear Chip n dale,
totally understand your worries...since the new syllabus is really new and pretty challenging.

1. the most challenging part would be listening and reading paper.
the weighing is a bit different..saying students have to pick up one essay out of 8....

a. listening:
b. reading

2. anyway, you have to know your son's strengths and weaknesses first.

a. your son might consider reading SCMP 30 minutes per day - and surf the BBC "English Learning" 19 minutes per day to sharpen his reading and listening skills.

b. make sure he knows the new syllabus and marking scheme. to play the game well is to know the rules well.


Quote:原帖由 Chip_n_dale 於 09-6-24 21:44 發表
my son is going to study at F.4. I am so worried about his English. dont know what can be done to prepare him for the new syllabus.

Parents, what will you do to help your kids? any tutorial schools ...