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JarJarBin | 2008-11-28 13:18
Dear All

Any one has the information about the academic result of it's primary and secondary school? You know, not all international schools are good just like local school. But no many people talk about KCIS secondary school resutl. It is really hard to evaluate.

CreamBlue | 2008-12-04 01:04

我正在考慮KCIS, 所以想認識多d間學校.

1. 想問問你地係kindergarten個daily schedule如何, 即每日有幾多時間主題教學, 唱歌, snack time係幾點呀?

2. 係Reception class時, 是否已開始教用筆寫字?

3. 你地小朋友平日同你地會用中文定英文溝通? 佢地會唔會比較鍾意英交?

4. 琬晴B, 你個小朋友同時讀KCIS及KCS, 食飯同瞓覺掂安排?

Quote:原帖由 琬晴B 於 08-11-10 13:54 發表
My daughter is currently in KCIS Reception class & KCS K2 class.

Referring to your questions, here are my PERSONAL views:

Chinese & English standard --> Mandarin & English are up to standard. Curr ...

琬晴B | 2008-12-05 14:11
Hi Creamblue,

1. 想問問你地係kindergarten個daily schedule如何, 即每日有幾多時間主題教學, 唱歌, snack time係幾點呀?
答:以我所知,KCIS Reception Class每日有2小時全英文及1小時全普通話時間.關於主題教學,他們最近正為聖誕表演"Born in Bethlehem"進行綵排,我開始聽見女兒"唸唸有詞",她說自己會扮演"Shepherd".

2. 係Reception class時, 是否已開始教用筆寫字?

3. 你地小朋友平日同你地會用中文定英文溝通? 佢地會唔會比較鍾意英交?

4. 琬晴B, 你個小朋友同時讀KCIS及KCS, 食飯同瞓覺掂安排?
答:去年,我女兒讀K1+KG班時,蘇浙會安排她在另一個課室吃飯及午睡,午睡完畢再帶她去上課.但今年升了班(K2+Reception)就沒有"午睡"這個環節,聽說K1好像還有,詳情最好直接問蘇浙.(註:學校沒有廚房,午飯要向"原美"訂購.):-) :-) :-)
CreamBlue | 2008-12-09 23:10
Thanks for your sharing. I have just had a school visit this afternoon.

Quote:原帖由 琬晴B 於 08-12-5 14:11 發表
Hi Creamblue,

1. 想問問你地係kindergarten個daily schedule如何, 即每日有幾多時間主題教學, 唱歌, snack time係幾點呀?
答:以我所知,KCIS Reception Class每日有2小時全英文及1小時全普通話時間.關於主題教學,他 ...

somemore! | 2008-12-11 22:55

請問想申請o係學校食午飯既位, 你係聯絡邊位? 你當時係點樣申請? 事緣我仔讀緊上午普通話班&最近我報埋下午國際班, 我要申請中午o係學校食飯(我仔無午睡習慣), 我多次打電話到學校留低資料, 都未有負責人覆我(我懷疑負責人都係要上堂既老師所以唔得閒:question: ), 上星期去開學校親自問, 有個老師叫我寫信申請waitlist, 咁我今日叫班主任幫忙將封信交俾負責人, 但班主任表示唔清楚邊位, 但會幫我交到辦公室, 但我仔放學返黎封信仲o係度! 我再打電話去學校留低資料, 仲係無人覆我! 我應該點做呢? :callme: 謝謝幫忙!

Quote:原帖由 琬晴B 於 08-12-5 14:11 發表
Hi Creamblue,

1. 想問問你地係kindergarten個daily schedule如何, 即每日有幾多時間主題教學, 唱歌, snack time係幾點呀?
答:以我所知,KCIS Reception Class每日有2小時全英文及1小時全普通話時間.關於主題教學,他 ...

琬晴B | 2008-12-12 14:14
Hi somemore!,



你可以嘗試聯絡幼稚園部(電話:2570 4173),或者直接去KCS幼稚園行政部(不是幼兒園行政部)查詢.


我日日都會湊我囡囡返學,如有需要,可以幫你問下.:D :D :D
somemore! | 2008-12-12 22:39
今日下午終於有個女仔打電話覆我啦:funny: , 佢話會收到封信後幫我排waiting, 原來搵個位食飯都咁難! 如果學校有飯堂就好啦, 因為其實我地自己會拎飯去學校!
原來以前係唔洗特別申請架, 可能而家轉左做法啦又或者係太多人申請, Thanks:funny:

Quote:原帖由 琬晴B 於 08-12-12 14:14 發表
Hi somemore!,


其後KCIS亦有問我囡囡被編往KCS的哪個 ...

liyinfai | 2008-12-15 13:54
Dear all,
I want to apply for primary one in Kiangsu & Chekiang primary school International section for my kid. Here with some questions I want to ask:
1/ I know that in the secondary school the international section needs to share the same campus with local section. However, I have heard that the discipline of local secondary section is very bad (eg, smoker in school, triad society). I want to know actually the discipline of international section students, are they good or bad?
2/ The academic performance of international section. Is it good? Since it follows UK curriculum, is the results good? How about IB?
3/ What is the learning atmosphere of primary international section? is it like IB style or local school style?

Thanks a lot.
wlmom | 2008-12-15 16:17
my friend's son and daughter also study in this primary school and she told me that they are very free. no homework (besides Chinese) and no tests which they can prepare for. they only have assessments at schoo.l the parent feel very relaxed and the kids are very happy.
elmolly | 2008-12-22 14:28
Quote:原帖由 琬晴B 於 08-11-10 13:54 發表
My daughter is currently in KCIS Reception class & KCS K2 class.

Referring to your questions, here are my PERSONAL views:
Chinese & English standard --> Mandarin & English are up to standard. Curr ...


想問下如果比小朋友返KCIS kg, 之後可以讀返local school嗎? kindergarten既中文大概係去到咩程度? thanks.
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