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Vinell | 2009-02-06 17:33
請問蘇浙幼稚園畢業的學生除蘇小外, 想知大多會去什麼學校?

GIPW | 2009-03-08 21:27
Many different places.

I understand some will go for government "lucky draw". Some will get place in HKUGA, true light and 陳守仁
terence_cheung | 2009-03-21 01:22
Yes, you have many choice....
My son was graduated at 蘇浙幼稚園 last year. But we selected another private primary school (R.C. primary section) to him because we want him to learn more English. R.C. also use P.T.H. for Chinese lesson.
If you want your kid learn more P.T.H., you can stay at 蘇小.
NCB | 2009-03-24 13:14
你覺得R.C. primary section點?

Quote:原帖由 terence_cheung 於 09-3-21 01:22 發表
Yes, you have many choice....
My son was graduated at 蘇浙幼稚園 last year. But we selected another private primary school (R.C. primary section) to him because we want him to learn more English. R.C. ...

terence_cheung | 2009-03-25 00:16
OK啦, 但課程都幾緊密,英文都幾深,普通語上中文對不習慣聽的小朋友是有難度去適應,幸好小兒在蘇幼以慣了聽. 同時,R.C.小一開學頭一個月是transition period讓小朋友過渡. Overall, R.C. is good.
But, if you select R.C. 家長一定要跟工課,比較費勁,一分耕耘一分收穫嗎?
NCB | 2009-03-25 13:25
R.C. 出名多功課做,而且英文深。其實一日有幾多樣功課? 是否每星期默書?聽說有很多親子活動,家長同小朋友都好忙,是嗎?
htchan | 2009-03-25 13:26
What is R.C. primary section?
mow-mow | 2009-03-25 15:23
Ramondi College - 高主教書院小學部?

Quote:原帖由 htchan 於 09-3-25 13:26 發表
What is R.C. primary section?
[ 本帖最後由 mow-mow 於 09-3-25 15:26 編輯 ]
terence_cheung | 2009-03-26 08:41
R. C. primary section 是高主教小學.
一日大概要用 2個鐘跟工課連溫習.
NCB | 2009-03-30 09:30

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