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MelodyLeung11 | 2009-08-24 14:12
你地會幫小朋友報咩類型小學呀 ?
Sorb | 2009-08-27 11:47
我小朋友在蘇浙PN讀得很開心, 所以也會在蘇浙讀KG。
GIPW | 2009-08-27 21:50
Same as mine. Both my children go to KCS kindergarten since nursery. They all like the school and have never said they do not wish to go back to the school. My girl will continue in the primary session.
TinHay | 2009-09-03 09:10
Quote:原帖由 MelodyLeung11 於 09-8-24 14:12 發表
你地會幫小朋友報咩類型小學呀 ?

1) Super [size=11.5pt]開心
[size=11.5pt]2) My older girl went on to SFCS because there are more girls primary schools with secondary schools in HK than boys. FYI, out of 26 students in my daughter's K3 class, 9 went on to primary section.
Both my children started their Nursery at age 2 with 蘇浙 then move on to Kindergarten. My son is K2, I'm looking out for his primary school study, if I was not able to find him a good primary school. I'm happy & prepared to put him to 蘇浙primary section.
acmwacmw | 2009-09-14 04:17
sorry! 打攪各位家長.

請問有沒有冬季校服(女)可以送出或出讓, 如有, 請PM.
Thank you very much!
heilungma | 2009-09-29 10:16
My sons one is in K3, the other is in K1, the elder brother is happpy to go to school, but the younger is do not enjoy to go to school.
heilungma | 2009-09-29 10:17

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My sons one is in K3, the other is in K1, the elder brother is happpy to go to school, but the younger does not enjoy to go to school.